Short PB - The Bible Wine Test Chart

3 months ago

This chart shows every instance of the word wine in the Bible. All 236 matches spanning 216 verses for the word ‘wine(s)’ and ‘winebibber(s)’ in 44 books of the Bible. These are then divided into meaning groups to determine if a logical pattern emerges. This process is done to satisfy the 3rd ‘Rule of Context’, the 5th ‘Rule of Non-Contradiction’, and the 7th ‘Rule of Single Interpretation’, which as part of the Seven Golden Rules of Bible Interpretation. The remaining rules and details can be found within The Torchbearer Series of lectures.

Chart shows that there would be a wine conflict within the Bible if it were not for knowing the true meaning of wine as defined in old dictionaries. At the time the word 'wine' was translated into English for the Bible, it had more than one meaning. (See references 1,2,3, and 4 below) Some modern dictionary definitions for 'wine' still contain the fuller meaning today (see reference 5 below). "The juice, fermented or unfermented, of various fruits or plants, used as a beverage, sauce, syrup, etc."

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1) The Royal Dictionary In two parts - First French and English, by Abel Boyer, p.579. 1702.

2) John Kersey’s Dictionarium Anglo-Britannicum or A General English Dictionary, by John Kersey, p.697. London: J. Wilde, 1708.

3) Benjamin Marin’s Lingua Britannica Reformata or A New English Dictionary, by Benjamin Marin, p.700. London: J. Hodges, 1748.

4) Nathan Bailey’s New Universal English Dictionary of Words and of Arts and Sciences, by Nathan Bailey, p.652. London: W. Johnston, 1760.

5) Dictionary Staff. “Wine.” 2019. (accessed January 2019).

For a much more complete, but short and to the point, analysis of more than one type of wine in the Bible, please see the 3rd core lecture session from The Torchbearer Series linked here The three-part core lecture series contains much more information than just on wine, and it is highly recommended that you watch the series from the beginning, starting here

See for full details and more information on a large variety of topics.

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