November 21, 1925 - 'Monon Bell Memory' : DePauw vs. Wabash (Five Straight Shutouts)

2 months ago

Wabash College dominated DePauw University's football team in all facets of the game, claiming a decisive 22-0 triumph in this old rivalry. The loss ends a disappointing Tiger season at 2-5-1, while the host Little Giants put a 5-3-1 mark in the record book for 1925.

A Crawfordsville furniture store offered a prize to the first Wabash player to score in the game -- a live turkey -- and halfback Dana Gipson grabbed the gobbler by virtue of a long interception return for a touchdown. The home team amassed 16 points in the first half on their way to defeating -- and shutting out -- the Tigers for a fifth consecutive season.

'Monon Memories' were created by Ken Owen.

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