Texas Gov. Issues Executive Order to Safeguard Texas from Hostile Powers like CCP

3 months ago

11/19/2024 Texas Scorecard: Texas Governor Greg Abbott has issued another executive order, this time aimed at strengthening Texas' defense against hostile powers, namely the CCP, and preventing CCP’s influence and espionage operations within Texas’s state government.
#GregAbbott #Texas #CCP #executiveorder #espionage #influence
11/19/2024 Texas Scorecard:德克萨斯州州长格雷格·阿博特又颁布了一项行政命令,这次旨在加强德州对敌对势力、特别是对中国共产党的防御,以及防止中共在德州政府内部施加影响力和进行间谍活动。
#格雷格·阿博特 #德克萨斯州 #中共 #行政命令 #间谍活动 #影响力

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