The Christos Oil & Salts Of Life w/ Steve Falconer

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Author & film-maker, Steve Falconer joins this roundtable to further explore the etheric fabric that shapes Nature, our bodies and life in all dimensions.

Central to our discussion will be the Cell Salts of Life and how they connect us with the larger Realm. We'll also touch on the sacred Christos Oil that emanates out of them as divine 'Milk & Honey' or spirit made flesh. 

Astrophysiology allows a glimpse of the "as above, so below" principle in real time, while the Alchemical Sciences put it into a more functional light, so we'll use both to examine practical health solutions.

Steve is a prolific political commentator and the voice of Spacebusters on Youtube, Bitchute, Odysee and  

He is also the author of the children's book "The Dukes of Dense", available on all Amazon platforms and a former writer and administrator for Truth Serum News, where he wrote under the pen name Areyou Sure.  

Steve is a former Chicago native living in Copenhagen Denmark, a music teacher and full time touring musician.  He is a father and researcher into all things hidden.

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