TRUTH IS COMING Kansas is the first state of many suing Pfizer for misleading information given to consumers

2 months ago

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Kansas is the first state of many who is suing Pfizer for misleading information given to Kansas consumers.

Pfizer marketed the vaccine was safe for pregnant - However, in 2016 they had possession of a study that showed more than 1/2 of the pregnant women who took the vax had an adverse event - more than 10% reported a miscarriage.

Safety relating to heart conditions like myocarditis and the CEO said they had not seen a single signal which was not true - They knew the vax cause myocarditis.

Pfizer said the vax protected against the variants but at the time data showed the vax was effective less than half the time.

About transmission - Pfizer urged Americans to get the vax indicating that getting the vax stopped the transmission of Covid - Pfizer later admitted that they never even studied transmission.

Pfizer also engaged in censorship attempts with social media.

Kansas is the first of 5 states to file lawsuits.

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