Heaven Land Devotions - The Open-Air Life of Christ In You

1 month ago

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There are many believers who are always trying to talk to their loved ones, friends and others about Jesus Christ and His Salvation. They are routinely met with scorn, mocking and anger, even demands to stop talking about Jesus. The striving to do so has been intensifying because of the knowledge of the serious shortness of time. I think of that verse in Proverbs 19:7:

"All the brethren of the poor do hate him: how much more do his friends go far from him? he pursueth them with words, yet they are wanting to him."

I have always looked at this verse as pertaining to those who are saved that go forth to pursue friends and family with "the words of eternal life," but they want nothing to do with them. They are always looked at as crazy, fanatical, an embarrassment, and the word of God as empty.

If you have been pursuing those around you with the word of God and they are not interested, and ask you to leave them alone, do it. You will then have entered into another phase. Instead, now live among them in joy, in righteousness, in "well-doing as unto God, as unto the Faithful Creator."

If they do not want to hear, then let them see Jesus Christ alive and living in you, which is many times much more powerful than any words. Multitudes throughout history have been saved this way and are now safely in heaven.

Remember there are many people who believe and receive Christ differently. Never surrender, never give up, always keep living for Christ and praying in secret places for them.

Practice and enjoy your spiritual autonomy. Go majestically alone and when you do, a great unrealized power will then enter into you, and all your life will be Christ's life lived out before them. Which in many ways speaks more powerfully than "the man who speaketh constantly."

And when you do, trust God to save them as your life abounds evermore as an "aroma of life unto life and unto others death unto death" for His namesake.

"Be not cast down. If ye saw Him who is standing on the shore, holding out His arms to welcome you to land, ye would wade, not only through a sea of wrongs, but through hell itself to be with Him."
~ Samuel Rutherford

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