How Levered Were We?

2 months ago

Porkopolis Economics: Episode 161

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Porkopolis Economics covers macroeconomics, money, and sports from the creator of the Crypto Voices podcast, Matthew Mezinskis.

The leverage before the Global Financial Crisis was not in M1 money, it was all in M3 money. Why? Regulation Q clearly affected this tendency for depositors to look up the risk curve for decades. But are things any clearer now? Is the purchasing power of the dollar secured?

00:00:00 - Analyzing the US Money Supply: M0, M1, and M2
00:01:28 - The Rise and Fall of M3 Leverage in the Financial System
00:03:50 - Regulation Q and the Rise of Risky Investments
00:05:22 - The Rise of M3 Money and the Decline of Traditional Deposits
00:07:42 - Leverage, Regulation, and the Global Financial Crisis
00:10:21 - Examining the Monetary System's Complexity
00:11:25 - Federal Reserve's Role in Repo Market and Money Supply
00:13:22 - Regulations Twisted, Money Printed

Host: Matthew Mezinskis

Show content is not investment or financial advice in any way.

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