Harnwell: Thanks to Trump, EU leaders got some ‘splainin’ to do to their own peoples over Ukraine

4 months ago

VIDEO SYNTHESIS / The problem that the European capitals now have is this — and it’s a really serious one. With a new US Administration imminent, they’re already signalling a change in position with regards to Ukraine. But withdrawal from engagement now is a tacit admission that their support for the war in the first place was only ever due to appeasing President Magoo — and not, as they had repeatedly stated, because ‘unless Russia was stopped at Kiev, it would roll on all the way into Western Europe’. If they truly believed they had vital national interests in warring with Russia — they would be carrying on regardless, without the US. But no. EU leaders tripped over themselves to whore out their national foreign policies to satisfy a corrupt degenerate senile old man — Sociopathic. Overlords.






Hi there folks, thanks for watching!

I’m Benjamin Harnwell, International Editor of “Steve Bannon’s WarRoom” — the Number 1 ranked US political podcast.

Follow me on the world’s greatest social media app at https://gettr.com/user/harnwell

Aired On: 11/22/24

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