WAKEUP 9/11 - "No PLANES on 9/11 is the RULE for the FB group" - November 20 2024

27 days ago

9/11 "Truth" doesn't have a monopoly on "TRUTH" in all caps. The TRUTH Community covers an array of TRUTHS. Some people KNOW that there NO planes on 9/11. 9/11 The BIGGEST LIE on Facebook doesn't tolerate people asserting that there were planes on 9/11. If you wish to challenge this rule, then you will ejected, JUST AS 9/11 TRUTH on Facebook ejects people who talk about NO PLANES on 9/11. 9/11 The BIGGEST LIE on FB is a SANCTUARY for people WHO KNOW the truth. TRUTH BE TOLD, THERE WERE NO PLANES on 9/11. PERIOD. End of STORY.

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