Virtual Genealogy Fair 2014 Day 2

2 months ago

Oct. 29, 2014
Virtual Genealogy Fair 2014, Day 2 of 3
Twitter at #genfair2014

Welcome to the U.S. National Archives and Records Administration (NARA) Virtual Genealogy Fair held live on October 28, 29, and 30, 2014, starting daily at 10 a.m. (eastern)!

Learn more about the event, download session material, and find YouTube and captioning links for all three days at

Recorded sessions and handouts will continue to be available after the event at

Video Comment and Posting Policy at

00:00 Start
9:15 Welcome, Andrea Matney
11:10 Session 5, Great Granny Eunice came from Ireland, Grandpa Fred was in the War, Can to Access Archival Databases (AAD) Help Me?, John LeGloahec
1:10:13 Session 6, The Genealogical Significance of the World War I Draft Registration Cards, Zina Rhone
2:09:05 Session 7, What's New at Ancestry from the National Archives, Quinton Atkinson
3:11:01 Session 8, Finding the Correct Ancestor: Civil War Soldiers and Homesteads, Jean Nudd
4:08:42 Session 9, National Archives Records Online at FamilySearch, Carol Petranek
5:08:20 Session 10, Immigration and Naturalization Service (INS) Exclusion and Deportation files at the National Archives, Zack Wilske
06:08:31 Session 11, Wagons West: Land Records at the National Archives, Rick Martinez
07:04:11 Closing Remarks

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