Activate the missing Parts of Your Brain (Live exceptional) | Dr. Jill Bolte Taylor (#143)

3 months ago

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-- MY GUEST --

Dr. Jill Bolte Taylor is a Harvard trained and published neuroanatomist and the author of her memoir ‘My Stroke of Insight: A Brain Scientists Personal Journey’ and her recent book ‘Whole Brain Living: The Anatomy of Choice and the Four Characters That Drive Our Life’.

In 2008 she gave the first TED talk that ever went viral on the Internet, which by now has ca. 30 million views. In the same year she was chosen as one of Time magazine’s “100 Most Influential People in the World” and has been the first guest on Oprah Winfrey’s “Soul Series” webcast.

In today's conversation she passionately invites us:

💡 On the Heroe's Journey through our brain
💡 By balancing the 4 brain characters we all have
💡 We can become whole brain beings - the evolutionary goal of humanity.


-- THEMES --

► Practical insights from her research into perceptions based on (ab) normal brain activity
► Why we have the power to turn our emotional circuitry on and off by choice
► The fundamental choice: To chose who and how we want to be in the world
► The limitation of personality typing
► Who we are: The Life-force power of the universe with the power to choose moment by moment
► Why everybody can find Nirvana
► Why it's about differentiation not brain synchronization
► How the neuroanatomy of our brain creates our perceptions of who we are
► Why dividing into left and right brain is a very limiting perspective
► The four consistent and predictable characters we all have:
- Left Thinking Brain: Our Identity
- Left Emotional Brain: Our Unconscious
- Right Emotional Brain: Anima / Animus
- Right Thinking Brain: The true self
► And so much more!

Recorded: Wed-1/2/23


Disclaimer: The views and opinions in "Beyond Perception Podcast" are those of the host and/or guest speakers, providing listeners with varied perspectives based on personal experiences. This podcast is for informational and entertainment purposes only. Listeners should think critically about the content before making decisions. Any actions taken by listeners due to the podcast are their own responsibility. The host and producers of "Beyond Perception Podcast" are not liable for decisions made based on the content. Remember, everyone's situation is unique; evaluate your own before making choices.

#JillBolteTaylor #Brain #Happiness

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