‘Don’t Call Me Stupid!’ Cenk Uygur Ignites Powder Keg of a Segment When He Slams ‘Deluded’ Election Forecaster

3 months ago

UYGUR: “Don’t blame the voters. I think — look, we could get into this discussion, but one, I think you’re blaming the voters. I think that’s a terrible idea. And look, I debated Professor Lichtman before. I told him his theories about the keys were absurd. I was right. He was wrong. I said he’d lose his keys.”

LICHTMAN: “No, you were not right and I was not wrong.”

UYGUR: “Couldn’t find them before the election.”

LICHTMAN: “And that’s a cheap shot and I won’t stand for it.”

UYGUR: “Well, who won, brother? Who won?”

LICHTMAN: “You should not be taking cheap shots at me.”

UYGUR: “Who won?”

LICHTMAN: “If you want to make your point, make your point. Don’t make it personal.”

UYGUR: “You live in a total world of denial.”

LICHTMAN: “I read your own followers’ comments and they all trashed you, every one of them and supported me.”

UYGUR: “Yeah right.”

LICHTMAN: “So, quiet with the personal attacks.”

UYGUR: “Come find out again.”

LICHTMAN: “Make whatever point you want. Don’t make it personal.”

UYGUR: “You don’t know anything. You don’t know anything.”

LICHTMAN: “You attacked me personally.”

UYGUR: “You’re so deluded.”

LICHTMAN: “I’ve only been a professor for 51 years — (crosstalk)”

UYGUR: “Okay. Can I just — on this program I’ve never been able to finish a thought.”

LICHTMAN: “—published 13 books. How many books have you published? No, because you’re personally attacking me again. Say whatever you want, but I’m not going to stand for personal attacks.”

UYGUR: “But, brother, you got it wrong.”

LICHTMAN: “Say whatever you want.”

UYGUR: “You were preposterously and stupidly wrong. OK, all right, can I just finish a goddamn thought ever on this show?”

LICHTMAN: “Don’t call me stupid! No, not if you personally — I admitted I was wrong. I don’t need you to call me stupid.”


Morgan: “Got to say, it’s great to see you Democrats all getting along so well.”

LICHTMAN: “Who taught you manners?”

Morgan: “It’s lovely to see a post-election harmony as you come together again.”

UYGUR: “Hey, Allan, you deserve a tall glass of shut up juice. So can you just shut up for a second and let someone who knows what they’re doing talk?”

LICHTMAN: “Not if you’re going to personally attack me.”

UNKNOWN: “You’re so right. We’re so unified right now.”

LICHTMAN: “I will not sit here and stand for personal attacks, for blasphemy against me. You don’t need to do that, you don’t —“

UYGUR: “Blasphemy against you? Who the hell are you? Are you Jesus Christ? You loser. OK, can — can I just give the correct answer for once?”

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