Judge Likens Spa's Women-Only Policy To 'Whites Only'

3 months ago

Posted • November 19, 2024: It was back in 2021 when the Los Angeles Times reported on how "far-right rage over transgender rights at an L.A. spa led to chaos in the streets." Those transgender rights included the right for a biological male to expose himself to young girls in the women-only section of Wi Spa in Los Angeles, and the chaos in the streets came from Antifa. As it turns out, the "woman" whose rights were being denied was a registered sex offender and was arrested after more than 15 months on the run from five felony counts of indecent exposure. Now, Seattle's Jason Rantz reports that a judge has compared a spa's "women only" policy to "whites only." -- In a puzzling and offensive exchange, a Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals judge likened a female-only Olympus Spa policy to a “whites-only” policy.

The remark was made during a federal appeals court hearing in which Olympus Spa is challenging the state of Washington for mandating the admission of transgender women (biological men) into the spa via the Washington Human Rights Commission. 9th Circuit Court of Appeals is hearing Olympus Spa v Armstrong. The case comes after WA state forced a women’s-only, nude spa to accept trans females (biological men). To Judge M. Margaret McKeown, it’s equivalent to a “whites only” business. We’re not living in serious times. Olympus Spa is a traditional Korean spa with locations in Tacoma and Lynnwood that operates under a “female-only policy” restricting transgender women unless they have “gone through post-operative sex confirmation surgery,” according to court documents. The spa cites the rule as “essential for the safety, legal protection, and well-being of our customers.” …

…Judge M. Margaret McKeown appeared skeptical of a female-only admissions policy. “If you have a law that says ‘white applicants only,’ this is ‘biological women entrance only.’ It seems to me they’re quite parallel there,” McKeown said. “And you can’t have ‘white people only’ come into my restaurant, and then you say, ‘Well, no, we have a religious, spiritual nature to our restaurant, and when you get there, we serve you special food.’ This seems quite different.” -- No, they're not quite parallel. Race is something you're born with and can't change, and sex is something you're born with and can't change just by willing it so. Democrats claim they're the party that protects women and yet encourages biological men to enter women's bathrooms, locker rooms, and showers. The people making these decisions need to be forced into the experience they are ruling on before the decision. One appointment at the spa with a man present to see what it’s like. That might make them feel differently.

Well, it is the Ninth Circus Court of Appeals. 🤡🤡🤡 That judge is insane. Does that make the disabled parking spots and toilets for people in wheelchairs chairs equivalent to “whites only” and they should be illegal? I mean, you can find discrimination in everything that you don’t like… and equate it to hate against a particular bias. We have a Supreme Court justice who can't tell you what a woman is. -- Trans women are simply asking for "kindness," allegedly. Why isn't it incumbent upon trans women to say to themselves, "I'm a woman with male genitalia and that might make the biological women upset. I think I'll leave the spa to them out of courtesy." (…)

• More at: Twitchy - Judge Likens Spa’s Women-Only Policy to ’Whites Only’

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