Snow White's $269M Budget and Rachel Zegler’s Controversial Comments Rumble

1 month ago

Rachel Zegler is at the center of a heated controversy following her comments about Donald Trump and his supporters, just as Disney’s Snow White remake sees its budget soar to $269M. In this video, we dive into Zegler's polarizing remarks, her apology, and the growing concerns about the film's skyrocketing production costs. Will this impact the success of the remake? Tune in for all the details on the Snow White drama and Zegler’s turbulent journey.

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#RachelZegler #SnowWhiteMovie #DisneyRemake #TrumpBacklash #SnowWhite2024 #ControversialCelebrities #HollywoodNews #RachelZeglerApology #EntertainmentIndustry #SnowWhiteDrama
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