Episode 18. The Seven Rays & Nations

3 months ago

We’ve been talking about the joyful battle within us between our soul and personality. Now we’re going to look at the Seven Rays, and esoteric astrology, in relation to the nations and us personally. Because through an understanding of these rays and astrology signs, we can better see the reasons for, uses and benefits of this battle. In essence this is the battle to know who we are and why we are here – whether an individual or a nation. It is the search for Truth, and our little truth for which we are responsible as our unique contribution to the human family. In the same way each nation is searching for its truth to contribute to the family of nations. Truth is simply the way we express our psyche or consciousness as we try to make sense of ourselves and our place in the world. In this episode we’re going to look at this national psyche from the perspective of the Seven Rays and their astrology, which is no different from the way we can understand ourselves as individual humans.

References: 1. Alice Bailey, Destiny of the Nations, Lucis Trust - for psychology of Nations Rays and Astrology https://www.lucistrust.org/online_books/welcome_obooks_website

2. Ibid , Esoteric Astrology, – esoteric astrology for individuals and groups

3. Ibid , Esoteric Psychology I & II, and Discipleship in the New Age I & II, - The seven rays for individuals

4. Ibid Esoteric Astrology, p. 603

5. Helena Blavatsky, Secret Doctrine I & II, Theosophical Society. https://www.theosociety.org/pasadena/sd/sd-hp.htm

6. Earnest Wood, The Seven Rays, Theosophical Society https://www.theosophical.org/files/resources/books/SevenRays/SevenRAys.pdf

7. Helena Roerich, 317, Leaves of Morya’s Garden I, Agni Yoga Society https://agniyoga.org/ay_en/search/search-result.php?lomg1=on&lomg2=on&comm=on&ay=on&inf1=on&inf2=on&hier=on&heart=on&fw1=on&fw2=on&fw3=on&aum=on&broth=on&supm=on&crossroads=on&lohr1=on&lohr2=on&search_string=rays&wholeWord=on

8. https://theastrologypodcast.com/transcripts/ep-294-transcript-the-moon-in-astrology-meanings-and-uses/ and https://www.astrosagga.com/blog/the-moon-in-vedic-astrology-its-role-and-impact-on-our--lives

9. The seven ray energies, expressing the divine prototypal will in seven forms: Ray I.—The will to initiate. Ray II.—The will to unify. Ray III.—The will to evolve. Ray IV.—The will to harmonise or relate. Ray V.—The will to act. Ray VI.—The will to cause. Ray VII.—The will to express. https://www.lucistrust.org/online_books/esoteric_astrology_obooks/chapter_vii_the_rays_constellations_and_planets/3_the_keynotes_the_seven_rays_and_the_will_aspect#seven+rays

Transcript of this Episode 18 on my Substack https://carolinefisher868.substack.com/p/the-seven-rays-and-nations

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 Alice Bailey, Lucis Trust, https://www.lucistrust.org/online_boo...

 Helena Roerich, Agni Yoga, https://agniyoga.org/

 Helena Blavatsky, Secret Doctrine https://www.theosociety.org/pasadena/...

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