We All Know Kemp’s Big Truck Story

3 months ago

Tom Homan and Stephen Miller are going to deport these illegals and get them out of the country.
If you campaign on something knowingly that you can’t do anything about it, like Kemp did on rounding up the illegals. The only thing Kemp has done successfully is bullying the House and Senate in passing legislation spending our tax dollars. We all know the big truck story. Brian Kemp could not have rounded anyone up, it would be illegal. And you out there should have known that he wouldn’t be able to do it. And that Kemp would not be able to tell ICE who to get. Keep in mind that 2 years of his administration has been under Donald Trump. Instead of reaching out to Trump to get these illegals out of the state he was too busy stuffing his pockets with Kelly Loeffler’s money. On two occasions he bypassed Trump's request to appoint Doug Collins and Kemp appointed Kelly Loeffler as Senator. Kemp is too busy building his financial portfolio. He was too busy pissing Donald Trump off to be concerned about the safety of Georgians. Then we will be told that he couldn’t do anything because of the Biden Harris administration. He could have used his popularity. He could have come out multiple times to say we have to root these people out of these sanctuary cities, but instead they touted that we don’t have sanctuary cities.
BKP has asked for years “Where are they at” and pressured lawmakers to pass legislation to know where they are at. All we know is that the buses loaded with illegals from the Texas border that stopped for bathroom breaks, it was not the bus driver's responsibility to make sure that they all go back on the bus. When they cross our state line, it should be the responsibility of the Governor to protect Georgians.
In Feb 2020, Tom Homan told Georgians to call Brian Kemp because he has not done anything about the illegals in GA. He could have done something, but it is too late for Laken Riley and their family. This happened in Athens, same place where the Kemp’s girls live, you would think that the amount of illegals in Athens would have come up.
They can pinpoint locations.
It has come out in court, that Laken Riley’s killer testified that he was at the Roosevelt Hotel in September of 2023 and received a taxpayer funded flight to Georgia. Lawmakers know that they are flying illegals into GA. Lawmakers have known for years. What they want you to believe is that there aren’t any sanctuary cities in GA. But the NGOs know the safest place to fly these illegals into Georgia would be a sanctuary city, for the illegals not citizens. We don’t have sanctuary cities but we have “hands off zones.”
On January 31, 2024, Colton Moore goes to the airport to report the illegals flying into the Atlanta airport. Laken Riley was killed on Feb 22, 2024. This goes viral and everyone knows about it. What does Brian Kemp do about it? Burt Jones, what does he do? State Senator Colton Moore gets a point of order on the floor of the Senate on Feb 1st. He presents the finding to the republican majority senate.
They used our military to move them around the country at taxpayer expense.
Kemp is the king of campaign stunts. Kemp orders troops to Texas. He goes to Texas for a few photo ops.
The media is going crazy over Pete Hegseth running the military and Tom Homan wanting mass deportations. ICE knows where these people are at. Tom Homan in 2020 is telling you to call Brian Kemp.
Trump plans to use the military for the mass deportation project. The media wants you to believe that the farm workers are going to be taken. They won’t talk about the bad guys, the gangs, the criminals.
Brian Kemp and Chris Carr should resign today. Where are the people running to sue Brad Raffensperger for derelict of duty?

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