Ed Milliband and an ill Informed brainwashed Journalist (see description)

3 months ago

It should be painfully obvious by now that the "Climate Crisis" was a globalist hoax having emanated many years ago by the Club of Rome. CO2 reduction simply reduced the Oxygen content in our atmosphere. Cutting down trees and burying trees beneath the ground level is the mentality of a demonic psychopath. Ask yourself why the legacy media NEVER report on cloud seeding, HAARP etc. The media are a part of the deep-state, they prop up the key politicians, divide the masses, push propaganda such as over-population, food scarcity, oil scarcity, water scarcity, all of which are 100% hoaxes. As for "over-population"....rounding the world population to 8Billion, if you allocate a 50 sq mtr plot of land and a house to EVERY man, woman, and child...EACH, then that would require up 400 Billion sq mtrs of land. The State of Alaska has a total area of 1.7TRILLION sq mtrs, this means each man, woman, and child taking up 50 sq mtr each would equate to approx 25% of the whole of Alaska!!. Of course in reality, most people would be living in 2 parent + children houses, so in actual fact the realistic demand for land for ALL of the world's population would be around 8% of all Alaska. The corrupt deep-state controlled government use deliberate acts of terrorism, famine, weather warfare to cause chaos and disruption, plus media manipulation, and mass migration, illegal perpetual wars, social engineering by forcing people into cities to give the illusion of "over-population". Switch OFF the Tell-a-Vision, start using rational thought, logic, and trust your own eyes, and ask yourself why the media NEVER report on many topics that they help hide from the masses. Now study Tartaria and ask yourself why the media and "education/indoctrination" system never mention. 2020 was the year ALL governments embarked on bringing in worldwide Communism, depopulation by a genetic bioweapon sold as a "vaccine", a world of satanic depravity, pedophilia, marxism, fascism, land grabbing and so on.


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