Red Heeler Reads Cue Cards

3 months ago

Occurred on September 6, 2021 / Lacombe, Alberta, Canada

Info from Licensor: "Me and my 8year old Red Heeler, Loki demonstrating the ‘Subtle Cues’ trick aka ‘My dog can read!’ His cue cards are 'Cute' (lay down with your chin on the floor) which he performed twice in a row; 'Paw' (wave), and 'Touch' (nose touch). I used different colours, two of which dogs see well (yellow and blue), along with different pictures to help him easily differentiate between the cards, but ultimately they could all be identical with the same result. The subtle cues are the placement or angle of the cards. You might also notice that I look down slightly at the floor for 'Cute.'"

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