Funny Little Girl Blames The Dogs For Touching Mom’s Make Up

6 years ago

There is nothing funnier than the stories kids make up when they do something wrong but don't dare to admit it! Just take a look at this video, and you’ll see what I mean. It shows an adorable tot girl who gets caught by her mom with a messy make-up on her face, but when her mom asks her who touched the make-up, she blames the dog! OMG, you have to hear the whole story! This cute little girl stands in a room with a messy face and eats her sandwich, while her mom tries to make her speak the truth. There’s a purse on the floor and a scattered make-up all over the place, but the girl claims that the dogs did all of that. Even when her mom tells her that she has her make-up all over her face, this funny little girl has an explanation for that too! She says the dogs took the make-up and put it on her face! LOL!

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