Fake Beached Whale Near UN ‘Climate’ Summit Aimed at Inducing Fear

3 months ago

BAKU, Azerbaijan — On the shores of the Caspian Sea lies a giant fake sperm whale reeking with the stench of rotten fish during the United Nations’ COP29 climate summit in Baku, Azerbaijan. Created by Belgian artist and activist Captain Boomer Collective, the display was planted to drum up drama surrounding the UN event, complete with actors posing as scientists pretending to take samples of the creature. The New American Senior Editor Alex Newman spoke with two of the whale “researchers” behind the stunt, plus Craig Rucker, the president of CFACT.org, whose organization is involved in litigation to save whales from the devastating effects of windmills along the coast. Despite showmanship from climate alarmists, the COP29 summit is underscored by gloom as Donald Trump’s mandate victory appears to indicate a retreat from dumping billions of U.S. taxpayer money into global warming initiatives. One of the “scientists” behind the display said he hoped people would “use their brain.”

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