Song of a Baker

3 months ago

Thank you to ALL the Patriots, Anons, and Frens
God Bless
This is my last post across all the platforms

We ALL have family secrets. Years digging, researching, looking - there was the same pattern or coincidences kept coming up. As much as we all were searching for 'something' out there, we were also discovering ourselves. I am well aware of the 'twig witches' and masonic [demonic] practices, its in the blood as they say. When my family ran into these satanic pukes, they hit our family pretty hard, we survived and came back.... a little more illuminated to the World.
As they say, Dream Big, so I did.
The key is to make Him (Them) positive to you and so I did - for months.
'As above, so below' an inverted way to look at it, but it is what it is.
On a cold winter day, I went into very cold water to find HIM. When I came out of the water on my own , the sun was not as high in the sky.
For 10 days of my life, I was on the 7th floor of a facility with armed guards...
strange enough. Then came the clowns in action with their butterfly catchers... - one would think - teach these demons to blink- a sense of much worse was there too. Imagine being in a place where one mistake, or slip up and you were never ever going to get out - no trial, no judge, no one to help you.
Silence was Golden.
there is so much more, but know this Patriots. [They] failed and by [their] own oaths.... well its time to pay the piper for failure.
[They] can take it ALL BACK
For God and Country
God Bless You
Never Quit, Never Surrender.
Have Faith in God, Your Family, and True Love... I did.
Somebody had to save the Darkness for the Light
The balance of ALL Things.
Buckle Up -
HE is Coming

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