Why were WTC explosions edited out of 2002 HBO documentary?

1 month ago

Was it a conscious decision to suppress evidence? Or just a choice made by a filmmaker or editor who didn’t realize the significance of what their footage showed?

In 2002, before the 9/11 Truth Movement had begun to take shape, a documentary called In Memoriam: New York City was aired on HBO. It showed the chaos occurring in the vicinity of the World Trade Center on September 11, 2001. In one sequence, a firefighter appears to be calling a family member from a payphone on Chambers Street to assure them that he is okay. He passes the phone to another man to confirm this.

“I’m right underneath the damn thing. Here’s one of the guys who can tell you I’m okay, all right? Here, hold on.” Then one of the men says, “You want to call your mother?”

Before anything else happens, the film cuts to people running down West Street.

Nothing seems odd about this until you see what was cut out. In the original footage, the phone conversation involving the second firefighter is interrupted by a massive explosion. He whirls around to see where the booming sound came from. The camera pans to three others firefighters, who are right next to the two, and they also react to the explosions with shock and apparent confusion.

For more information and full article: visit https://www.ae911truth.org/news/990
and http://WTC7Evaluation.org

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