The Robin: Close Up HD Footage (Erithacus rubecula)

3 months ago

The European Robin, or Erithacus rubecula, is one of Britain's most cherished garden birds. You'll spot these little chaps by their bright orange-red breast and face, which stands out beautifully against their olive-brown back. They're quite small, about the size of a golf ball, but don't let that fool you – they're proper feisty when it comes to defending their territory! Robins are famous for following gardeners around, waiting to snatch up any tasty insects that get dug up. They're with us all year round and are one of the few birds that sing throughout winter. Unlike many birds, both male and female Robins look identical and sport that famous red breast. They're quite friendly towards humans and will often pop up close by when you're in the garden. Their diet mainly consists of insects and worms, though they're happy to visit bird feeders for seeds and suet, especially during chilly weather.

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