How Fireblood Solved Asthma for Jayden | Story #8

3 months ago

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00:00:00:00 - 00:00:19:10
What's your name? How old are you? And water from? My name is Sharon Sanchez. I'm 18 years old and I come from Perth, Western Australia. Nice. Nice to meet you, Gina. Why do you do five? The reason why I bought fire blood is because I saw a gap in the market. When I look at all of the other supplements.

00:00:19:13 - 00:00:48:28
I see that it's got all this artificial sweetener gay bullshit inside of it, and I just. I knew that it wasn't the right thing for me. A lot of them give you a bit of a placebo effect in a way. I think that when I was taking vitamin D and magnesium and zinc separately, I could tell that it was just all a placebo effect like I was taking it, but it was not actually doing anything I could tell.

00:00:48:29 - 00:01:11:06
For how long have you been taking firewood so far? So I've actually been taking it for a whole month now. Nice. Have you ever tried to do ice cream fiber? Well, I'm going to be doing that today, so let's get right into it. It's fucking horrible. I'm a man.

00:01:11:09 - 00:01:26:06
Who? Pain. A lot of pain.

00:01:26:08 - 00:01:41:04
To be honest, it's the. The old one is worse than the new one, to be honest. You got to admit it. It's way worse.

00:01:41:06 - 00:02:11:05
So. Dun dun dun. Nice. You got I mean it's the compared to the old one. The new one is better. Nah it's good man. It's nice. Well take some water and drink some water. It's fucking poison compared to the old one bro. Even sand taste better than the old one. No, I feel like you guys put, like, sweeteners in here because this tasted great.

00:02:11:07 - 00:02:33:28
No, no, no. It didn't. It doesn't taste great. But it was so bad that the any even dirt for days. But then the old one to go look at the old version of me trying the first version because I literally nearly vomited. Both. It was the most disgusting thing that I've ever tasted in my life. Genuinely, it's a fucking pain.

00:02:33:28 - 00:02:58:29
But at least it wakes you up. How do you felt after your first week of taking fiber? My energy levels were through the fucking roof, bro. Like, genuinely through the roof. I don't know what it was, but every single day I was just working, working, working on all the things that I had to do from the moment that I woke up at 5 a.m. to then going to sleep at 10 p.m. and then repeat and recycle.

00:02:59:00 - 00:03:20:26
I just didn't understand it was just being productive throughout the whole day, not even having any breaks. So honestly, this is a massive savior. How has Fire Road impacted your life? It's made a lot of changes to my life, to the point where my health is a lot better. I'm noticing that my energy levels are a lot better.

00:03:20:29 - 00:03:39:27
I'm noticing that my testosterone is through the roof right now. Like, here's a story that happened. I was literally at the gym, right? And my friend was doing d climb push ups, and the whole time I was just telling him, boy, fucking more, I want you to do more. Come on. In front of everyone. I just didn't care.

00:03:39:28 - 00:03:58:07
I'm just more motivated to do better in every aspect. Everything that I do, it feels like walk with my friend. I just said, come on, I want fucking more, bro. I want more. And I just didn't I didn't let him stop whatsoever. Even feeling more competitive with the people that I'm around and wanting to be better than them.

00:03:58:09 - 00:04:19:14
I'm feeling that my testosterone is on on a whole new level. Bro, you should buy some fiber for a friend. I should think a little. He needs some fiber. I told him to, and he was like, oh, is it worth it? I don't know. I wanted to actually punch him in the head, genuinely, actually knowing that we're going to be on the news for him.

00:04:19:16 - 00:04:47:09
Punch other friend in the face for not taking five good. I'll be back and I'll be. All because of Anderson's misogyny. Yeah, she should go to jail. Outside of the gym has viral impact into your performance. I was able to make more, to get more work done, make more money has improved massively since taking fly blood. Now, what I am actually seeing is effect that I'm being able to close more business deals.

00:04:47:10 - 00:05:13:13
Knowledge is power and every single day I'm watching videos, I'm reading, I'm doing all these things. Something that I never did before taking fly blood. I'm able to do business every single day without fail. What types of problems has Firebird sold for you? The problems that Fire Blood has solved is one my energy levels. Before I used to get very fatigued and was very lazy after a very long day.

00:05:13:15 - 00:05:35:09
But now I can just work all day without fail. I'm also noticing that my heart problems that I used to have. I went to the doctors and the cardiologist said that I no longer have heart problems after the incident that happened last year. I had a heart attack six months. I was not able to do anything and that has actually cleared, which my cardiologist said it's improved and a lot better.

00:05:35:10 - 00:05:58:02
Has your energy improved since taking five 100%? I definitely do so that my energy levels has actually drastically improved through the roof right now. How about the strength? Has the strength improved since they can? So my strength has actually drastically improved as well as well as my energy levels at the gym. I'm actually noticing that I'm hitting more pills in bench press.

00:05:58:04 - 00:06:17:29
I went up by another 30 to 40 kg on bench press ever since taking five Bloods, so it's massive improvement. Have any symptoms you had solved since they can? Five blood? I used to have heart problems. My lungs as well. Even my bone density has improved massively. Back in the day when I was younger, I used to get a lot of injuries.

00:06:18:00 - 00:06:39:12
I think I've had over maybe like 15 injuries. I don't get injuries anymore when I'm working out. I don't get injuries anymore when I'm doing sport and stuff like that. And with my lungs I've got COPD. So I've got like severe asthma and I don't seem to need my medication anymore. This is the medication that I'm taking for my asthma.

00:06:39:15 - 00:07:03:05
But I don't even take it anymore. And I don't feel like I need it anymore because I've been taking fire blood and it's improving every single medical condition that I actually have. It's improving everything and of my heart. The cardiologist said that I don't even need to come there anymore because my heart has improved massively. When I was having the problems in my heart, I was on 9000 trapezium levels.

00:07:03:08 - 00:07:23:28
That's what they told me when I was having to be rushed to the hospital. A threat of nearly dying that night. Magically, it all disappeared after a month of taking five blood. So it's really good. How has your carnival journey with Far Good been going on so far? What I will say is that it's genuinely improving every aspect.

00:07:23:29 - 00:07:53:08
The Carnival diet has been everywhere at the moment and everyone is already seeing drastic results. Now imagine mixing that with fire blood. It's it's next level. When I say that every aspect of my life is genuinely improved. It's improved and I'm very satisfied with this product. So with what have you tried to combine Firebolt with? I will put my hands up and say, yes, I mix fire blood with Prime, and I know a lot of people are going to be very angry at that.

00:07:53:11 - 00:08:13:07
However, as long as everyone knows what it was for, I mean, you can kind of understand, but I've mixed up with quite a few things. So what I do think the best drink to mix fire blood with is orange juice. Now, obviously don't buy the bottle version, whereas a bunch of sugar in it. Make sure that you actually make it yourself.

00:08:13:07 - 00:08:33:21
What is that? What am I also mixed in with? I've also made coffee. I mix it in with coffee and, you know, mixing the two together. You can understand your energy levels. After you do that, it's it's amazing. It's amazing. Like I mentioned, mixing this is really going to boost your testosterone and your energy levels by a mile.

00:08:33:23 - 00:08:59:00
And then you mix it in with coffee as well. Masala. Same time. I've also mixed it in with smoothies as well. I'll be mixing it in with smoothies and stuff. Fire blood overpowers it. I'll be honest, it does overpower it and it doesn't really make a difference. You literally taste the fire blood more than that, which is actually something that I notice with majority of drinks.

00:08:59:00 - 00:09:19:18
Whiskey is that I always go with fire blood. I don't drink, I don't drink. Nice, nice new firewood with all the firewood. You want me to mix old fireball with new Fireball Royal? I'm afraid you're going to die on the there. You should try to do that right now. It's. It's. But you should make a video and we can.

00:09:19:20 - 00:09:33:03
We can have it in here. You know what we should do? I work with the old pro. Combine them. So if I was to get literally.

00:09:33:05 - 00:09:53:12
If I was to get half of this, of this one. Right, which is already. Yeah. Dead and half of it. Look how much I have. Hardly anything right out of the over. Yeah. So if I mix half of that with half of this, and then I try it in the video, I'll send it to you. I think it's going to be fucking deadly.

00:09:53:12 - 00:10:18:18
And tomorrow, the next day, I could genuinely die, but worth right over the course. Yeah, bro, worth trying. I'm just saying it's worth it. Like, I don't think about it. It's a Firebolt v1 with v2, which are going to make v three. So you can say you play Fireball Retreat. Think about it. It's like an O reactions. Think of.

00:10:18:20 - 00:10:39:19
Let me actually ask you one more question. What do you say to people that don't know whether or not to take Fire Road man? The people who hesitate in taking this supplement. What is wrong with you? Look at all the success stories that has been happening since taking this supplement. You have to be dumb. Not to try this supplement or not to keep taking it.

00:10:39:19 - 00:11:04:08
And if you don't see results, then don't buy it again. But I honestly guarantee, I guarantee that you will see results in a matter of days, 30 days, three months, a year, two years, four years, I guarantee it. If I'm seeing it in fucking 20, imagine you in a month. Imagine in a year. In two years. Stop taking shit supplements.

00:11:04:11 - 00:11:20:14
They are all placebo effects and they add artificial bullshit in it. This is the only supplement that you fucking need, bro. Fire blood. The only fucking supplement you need. So taking all the bullshit. That I got now flushes.

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