Hilarious Car Trunk Prank

6 years ago

Pulling pranks on your loved ones is one of the best things to do in the spare time, am I right? And this lady shares my opinion. She decided to pull the ultimate car trunk prank. Her husband just got from work and parked his car in front of the garage. And did the wife do? She used a remote to open a car trunk! The unsuspecting husband think that the car trunk is opening by itself! LOL!\nEvery time he closes it, she opens it again and again. The lady and her daughter are laughing while he’s struggling with car trunk. Just hilarious! Plus, apparently, this guy hates this car. LOL! In the end, he is so frustrated, he looks as if he is going to get rid of a car, ASAP! I can’t imagine how mad was this guy once he realized there was nothing wrong with the car. These old-school pranks are the best, don’t you think?

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