11.17.24 "We Are the 'Sufficient Number'"

3 months ago

In the Real World healing will be quick and automatic. We are emerging from a protracted age that required great lengths of time between the appearance of a problem and its resolution. This length of time might frequently have been multiple life times. ACIM clearly states that a miracle is a device for shortening time. "The miracle thus has the unique property of shortening time .... It substitutes for learning that might have taken thousands of years." (OrEd.Tx.1.83)

The great arc of history has always been bent towards healing. By learning to be miracle minded we increase the angle of this arc, and the more of us who learn this the more the arc gets bent. "We have frequently noted that the miracle is a device for shortening but not abolishing time. If a sufficient number of people become truly miracle-minded quickly, the shortening process can be almost immeasurable." (OrEd.Tx.2.107) Of course there is no way to know what this "sufficient number" is, however I have seen signs in the world that we are approaching it. On Wednesday November 13 I believe we had such a sign with the surprisingly friendly, congratulatory, gratitude being expressed, meeting at the White House between President Biden and President-Elect Trump.** (See full text below.) "The holiest of all the spots on earth is where an ancient hatred has become a present love." (OrEd.Tx.26.82) Kudos for the Presidents for manifesting, right in front of the eyes of the world, the holiest spot on earth. Who would have predicted that 4 months ago?

I have also received the internal guidance from the Holy Spirit that we are closer to the Real World than we think. The previous healing process has been tedious and very time consuming. This protracted process has worn out and depressed the world. "Yet it is time alone that winds on wearily, and the world is very tired now. It is old and worn and without hope. There was never a question of outcome, for what can change the Will of God? But time, with its illusions of change and death, wears out the world and all things in it." (OrEd.Mn.1.4) The old and worn out world is in the "shop" for an upgrade. We are the upgrade. We ARE the sufficient number. Get prepared for much faster progress. The Real World is nigh.

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** Text of the of the conversation behind the handshake:

President Biden: Well, Mr. President-Elect and former president —

President Trump: Thank you very much, Joe.

President Biden: — and — Donald, congratulations.

President Trump: Thank you very much.

President Biden: And looking forward to having a, like we said, smooth transition — do everything we can to make sure you’re accommodated, what you need. And we’re going to get a chance to talk about some of that today. So —

President Trump: Good.

President Biden: — welcome. Welcome back.

President Trump: Thank you very much. And thank you very much.

And politics is tough. And it’s, many cases, not a very nice world, but it is a nice world today. And I appreciate it very much — a transition that’s so smooth it’ll be as smooth as it can get.
And I very much appreciate that, Joe.

President Biden: You’re welcome. Thank you all.

25 min.

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