No Game Engine Game Dev: Word Sleuth 085: Finish chalk bouncy ball doodad, starting the next doodad

3 months ago

Streamed on 2024-11-18 (

Game Engines are for sissies!

I added a version number to the MainMenu. Then I tried to finish up some automation of the Steam build process. I was unsuccessful due to cached credentials from working on things from a different account and before I figured out the secret sauce for switching I became rate limited on attempts. Will continue trying tomorrow.

After that I checked the Aiplane doodad. I had noted last week that there may be scaling issues with the screen size, but retesting today revealed no problem.

I then moved on to the chalk drawing of a bouncy ball doodad. I tried to continue down the fake-physics implementation, but eventually gave up and just implemented a first order Euler integration. After that things came together pretty quickly. Now it follows the mouse position while right-clicked and gravity takes over when released. I even added a sound for when it bounces off the edge of the Chalkboard. Overall it is quite satisfying to play with.

With the last remaining time I stubbed out the start of a new chalk doodad: bubbles that will float around the Chalkboard and can be clicked to pop. We'll pick up there tomorrow.

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