Episode 452: Eve is not Adam's helper Part 2

3 months ago

Why would a perfect man, living in a perfect world, in perfect harmony with the perfect God, need a wife?

He doesn't!!

What Adam needed was a Helper and God provided One who was comparable to him
Hello everyone. In tonight's Bible study we venture back to Genesis and why God determined that Adam needed a helper.

Think about this. God created Adam then placed him in a perfect world. Everything concerning Adam and the environment around Adam was perfect.

Adam was in perfect union with the perfect God. Adam had no needs nor desires unmet. Why not, you may ask? Because Adam was perfect.

What needs does a perfect man living in a perfect world have? Would he be lonely? Would he be tired? Would he be sad? Of course not!!

Then why did the LORD God feel the need to warn Adam about disobeying His commandment? Why would it be necessary for a perfect man to have a helper?

The reason and the answer is found within Genesis 2.

Today's study is 58 minutes in duration. I have broken it into two segments. This is segment 2 of 2 titled Eve is not Adam's helper. Part 2

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