Statistical Data - Chronic Disease -Vaccinated Unvaccinated

1 month ago

(found on Dr. Judy's transcripts: )

Here's an incredible study from Joy Garner it's called The Control Group. This is actually used in litigation. You can see that among people who are vaccinated, which is in orange, 60% of adults have chronic conditions. This was a survey. Here's the P value. It's 4.08e To the negative 63, there's no chance these data are incorrect, basically.
And then you can see like adults with two chronic conditions: 42%, five chronic conditions: 12%. So they only hurt adults? Nope, we all know that they hurt children too. Let's look at vaccinated versus unvaccinated children. 27% of children have a chronic condition, and almost 7% have multiple chronic conditions that they were fully vaccinated. I want to show something on this slide that you can see pretty well at the bottom of this column, you see the turquoise and the green down here? When you look at the 6% of unvaccinated children who have a chronic condition, that's not a true number. This yellow is actually kids who've either had the vitamin K shot or their mother was vaccinated in pregnancy. So if you go down to this turquoise, that's the number of kids who've never been exposed to a vaccine at all, not when they were in utero and they didn't get the vitamin K shots. So the percent of kids with a chronic condition that they've never been vaccinated and never been exposed at all, is literally less than 1%.

11/06/2024 - Dr. Judy's Book Club with special guest Alix Mayer, founder of the Free Now Foundation, sharing her presentation: UNVACCINATED YOU?

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