☠️ "Left is a Vicious Wounded Tiger, They Want Us Dead!" ~ Larry Klayman (Founder of Judicial Watch) w/ GREG HUNTER

3 months ago

Via Greg Hunter’s USAWatchdog.com,

Renowned Attorney Larry Klayman, founder of Judicial Watch and later Freedom Watch, has been fighting government corruption and winning for decades.

Today, the fight has turned into an all-out war and fight to the death. Klayman explains, “Bottom line is we have been in a war, but now we are at red alert…”

” The fact that Donald Trump has been reelected the 47th President of the United States with the popular vote and an overwhelming landslide in the Electoral College, the Left is on the run, but it’s stung. It’s like a wounded tiger. It’s vicious. It will fight back…

You are going to see the Left in the streets, ultimately. It will probably be in days, if not weeks. You are going to see a repeat of what we saw with Black Lives Matter, ANTIFA, radical Palestinians and others. They are going to be coming for us.

Frankly, and this sounds extreme, we saw the assassination attempts… and Kamala Harris and Biden calling Trump Hitler, calling them garbage and calling us garbage, they want us dead. Let me repeat that. They want us dead…They are like rats leaving the ship.

The time to peacefully and legally crush them is now.”

Klayman also sees that things may not stay peaceful.

Klayman points out, “It’s only a matter of time because they are whipping up the hatred right now against all of us garbage men…”

” It’s only a matter of time that he (President Trump) may have to declare martial law to reestablish order here. I hope it doesn’t get to that. But he (the President) has that authority as well.

So, I want people to realize that there may be a calm in the storm right now, but the communists, the atheists, the radicals and the Left are coalescing. They are plotting, and they are planning.

This is like the ‘Force’ in ‘Star Wars’ and ‘Darth Vader.’ They intend to come back anyway they can.

If they can’t do it peacefully and legally, which they can’t, they are going to get violent, and we better be prepared for that.”

Klayman also points out that President Trump cannot turn America around without the help of millions of patriots. Klayman says,

“He needs us to back him. We need to fight for him if necessary. Here’s the scary thing. God forbid, but I don’t think this is the last assassination attempt. I think there will be more. . . . This kid that took a crack at Trump in Butler, we don’t know what his motive was today. . . . We’ve never gotten the truth about anything.

We don’t know who killed John F. Kennedy. Even Bobby Kennedy Jr. does not believe that Sirhan Sirhan killed his father.

Martin Luther King’s family does not believe that James Earl Ray was the assassin of Martin Luther King. It was probably Edgar Hoover the FBI Director. . . .

We don’t know anything about the two people that tried to assassinate Donald Trump because our government is corrupt to the core, and that is why the Left is going to resist. Our government needs to be reconstituted. Embedded in government is the Deep State, and it is more powerful than the President.”

Klayman is appealing to the incoming Trump Administration to make him the Czar in charge of picking judicial appointments.

Klayman says too many RINO judges were put on the bench during Trump’s first Administration.

Klayman is also representing Laura Loomer in a $150 million defamation lawsuit against HBO and Bill Maher. Klayman is also the lawyer of record on many other groundbreaking cases. Klayman also talks about the need for donations as the 2024 Election cycle took donations away from FreedomWatchUSA.org. Klayman makes an appeal for badly needed funds so he can continue his work for “We the People” against government corruption.

There is much more in the one-hour in-depth interview.

Join Greg Hunter as he goes One-on-One with renowned lawyer and government corruption fighter, Larry Klayman, founder of FreedomWatchUSA.org as he lays out the evil that criminals on the Left and RINO’s are planning for America.

Renowned Attorney Larry Klayman, founder of Judicial Watch and later Freedom Watch, has been fighting government corruption and winning for decades. Today, the fight has turned into an all-out war and fight to the death. Klayman explains, “Bottom line is we have been in a war, but now we are at red alert. The fact that Donald Trump has been reelected the 47th President of the United States with the popular vote and an overwhelming landslide in the Electoral College, the Left is on the run, but it’s stung. It’s like a wounded tiger. It’s vicious. It will fight back. . . . You are going to see the Left in the streets, ultimately. It will probably be in days, if not weeks. You are going to see a repeat of what we saw with Black Lives Matter, ANTIFA, radical Palestinians and others. They are going to be coming for us. Frankly, and this sounds extreme, we saw the assassination attempts . . . . and Kamala Harris and Biden calling Trump Hitler, calling them garbage and calling us garbage, they want us dead. Let me repeat that. They want us dead. . . . They are like rats leaving the ship. The time to peacefully and legally crush them is now.”

Klayman also sees that things may not stay peaceful. Klayman points out, “It’s only a matter of time because they are whipping up the hatred right now against all of us garbage men. It’s only a matter of time that he (President Trump) may have to declare martial law to reestablish order here. I hope it doesn’t get to that. But he (the President) has that authority as well. So, I want people to realize that there may be a calm in the storm right now, but the communists, the atheists, the radicals and the Left are coalescing. They are plotting, and they are planning. This is like the ‘Force’ in ‘Star Wars’ and ‘Darth Vader.’ They intend to come back anyway they can. If they can’t do it peacefully and legally, which they can’t, they are going to get violent, and we better be prepared for that.”

Klayman also points out that President Trump cannot turn America around without the help of millions of patriots. Klayman says, “He needs us to back him. We need to fight for him if necessary. Here’s the scary thing. God forbid, but I don’t think this is the last assassination attempt. I think there will be more. . . . This kid that took a crack at Trump in Butler, we don’t know what his motive was today. . . . We’ve never gotten the truth about anything. We don’t know who killed John F. Kennedy. Even Bobby Kennedy Jr. does not believe that Sirhan Sirhan killed his father. Martin Luther King’s family does not believe that James Earl Ray was the assassin of Martin Luther King. It was probably Edgar Hoover the FBI Director. . . . We don’t know anything about the two people that tried to assassinate Donald Trump b/c...


Get your copy of Klayman’s It Takes a Revolution and It Takes a Counter-Revolution
Get copies of both recent books by Larry Klayman, “It Takes a Revolution: Forget the Scandal Industry!” and its sequel “It Takes a Counter-Revolution: Wake Up America!,” which not only chronicle the nation’s nearly fatal slide caused by the left, with now the Biden-Harris regime as its stooges, but offer real hard-hitting solutions on urgent ways to reclaim our beloved country from the near dead. In “Counter-Revolution,” Klayman proposes through Freedom Watch’s Third Continental Congress, declaring independence once again and forming a new government, with new leaders and new political parties, to recreate the vision and creation of our Founding Fathers. Citizens grand juries and citizens’ trial, and other solutions, are explored as well, to recreate a truly just system of justice which holds everyone accountable to the rule of law, regardless of political and social status.

Go to www.FreedomWatchUSA.org to obtain these books or all major book sellers online, such as Amazon.

DONATE HERE > https://www.larryklayman.com/

Source: https://old.bitchute.com/video/MO5jUTaGMEJp/

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