Heart of the Confederacy 1937

3 months ago

How did Alabama weather the Great Depression? Find out in this vintage Department of the Interior footage of CCC workers at the Montgomery capitol building and elsewhere.

Shows Alabama's State Capitol in Montgomery, the brass star in the floor of its Senate chamber where Jefferson Davis took his oath of office, the Confederate "White House," Dexter Ave., the public square, Exchange Hotel, and Union Stockyards. Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC) men dig wells in Marengo County State Park. The ROTC drills at Alabama Polytechnic Institute in Auburn. Art students draw, and tourists swim, picnic, sunbathe, cycle, and ride horses in Shiawassee State Park; CCC men pour concrete and construct a dam.

Transcript (PDF): http://archives.gov/social-media/transcripts/transcript-heart-of-confederacy-1937-11664.pdf

Department of the Interior. Division of Motion Pictures.

ARC ID 11664

Motion Picture, Sound, and Video Records Section, Special Media Archives Services Division (NWCS-M), National Archives at College Park, 8601 Adelphi Road, College Park, MD, 20740-6001.

For information about ordering reproductions of moving images held by the Motion Picture, Sound, and Video Records Section, visit: http://www.archives.gov/research/order/broadcast-quality-film-dc.html

Alabama Polytechnic Institute
Department of the Interior. National Park Service. (1916 -1933 ), Producer
Auburn (Lee county, Alabama)
Marengo Lake (Marengo county, Alabama)
Montgomery (Montgomery county, Alabama)

More information is available in the National Archives online catalog:

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