Musician HAYLEY MARY of The Jezabels. You sided with God....blessings will follow you

1 month ago

I have seen The Jezabels play live 2 or 3 times over the years, superb band live, and I always manage to squeez myself to the front. Hayley has actually made a seriously good decision here because she will go down on the right side of history and the free world we are heading towards will probably affect the entertainment industry in a very big way, as the evil scumbags will be eradicated and the artists will get reap the rewards from their creativity what with NFT smart contracts, automatic royalties, no middle men and so on. As for her three band mates, stupid fools, the followed the woke cult who are on the side of Satan.


Your future will be incredible Hayley, you didn't sell out and you used immense wisdom. You are one fine lady, smart, you are part of The Great Awakening.

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