The best traffic stop you’ll ever see…Must watch!!!

3 months ago

The best traffic stop you’ll ever see… he threatens to stand his ground with a gun against three officers and they let him go 💥

This is why "all" of these contracted foreign corporate "belligerent ignorant weaponized treasonous psychopaths" have to go. One way....or another! These poor pitiful repugnant excuses for men and women are so "mind controlled" and loyal to their satanic programmers they no longer have the option to think otherwise. The good news IS....these bribed and incentivized "corporate overgrown juvinile delinquent gutless treasonous thugs" ARE being traced and tracked. But too arrogantly dumb to know it. ALL should be rounded up, arrested and tried for TREASON! Full 🛑 Stop! War Manual - Art of War strategy = Never disturb or distract the remaining enemies of We The People as we allow them to continue to expose themselves, their complicit crimes and continue to "self destruct"! What remains, The Alliance Military and We The People will mop them off

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