The Big Picture Inland Waterways

3 months ago

COMBAT INFANTRYMEN TAKE TO THE WATERWAYS IN ALASKA TO ACCOMPLISH MISSION -- This is a filmed documentary about a river in Alaska which can serve as a military highway during the summer. The operation as assigned to combat infantrymen was a simulated attack on an Aggressor-held bridge. The distance to be covered was 100 miles by river, bivouacking one night en route. THE BIG PICTURE Signal Corps cameramen accompanied this small combat unit as it moved down this fast inland waterway on this most unusual training mission. On the screen, it looks like a kind of little flotilla deep in the heart of Alaska. There is danger at every turn and the cameramen capture on film all of the navigation skill learned by these combat troops. Broken-field running through river obstacles requires alertness and navigating skill. One error in judgment and you can kiss the mission goodbye. And the trickiest thing about it is that rivers change from month to month. There can never be any certainty of what lies ahead. In Alaska during the summer months, the Army makes full use of navigable inland waterways--another forward step in strengthening our Arctic bulwark in the Free World's line of defense.

Department of Defense. Department of the Army. Office of the Deputy Chief of Staff for Operations. U.S. Army Audiovisual Center.
DATES: (ca. 1974 - 05/15/1984 )

USE RESTRICTIONS STATUS: Restricted - Possibly
USE RESTRICTIONS NOTE: Some or all of this material may be restricted by copyright or other intellectual property right restrictions.

NOTE: A DVD of this film can be ordered from our partner, A DVD of this film is ALSO available for viewing and copying free of charge in the NARA Research Room in the Motion Picture, Sound, and Video Records Section, National Archives at College Park, 8601 Adelphi Road, College Park, MD.


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