3 months ago

November 12/ 2024
Patriot Warrior Former Advisor Strategist In Trump Administration Steve Bannon Send Strong Warning Message To New York Corrupt Attorney General And Corrupt Prosecutors About The Hunted Are About To Become The Hunters…
Post: November 18/ 2024
November 17/ 2024
FBI Director Christopher Wray Charged With Treason Eludes White Hats Military Dragnet👩‍🚀🔎🕵️‍♂️🏠🔍🧑‍🚀
A source in General Eric M. Smith’s office told Real Raw News yesterday that FBI Director Christopher Wray “supernaturally” eluded capture when JAG agents on Wednesday showed up at his D.C. residence with a military arrest warrant charging him with treason and other high crimes.
While Wray’s primary residence is in Georgia, where he lives with his wife Hellen and their two children, he also leased a 2,700-square-foot house in D.C.’s upscale suburb of Georgetown, where, sources say, he stayed while in town on official business—such as devising ways of imprisoning innocent patriots. JAG’s treason charge stems from Wray’s illegal and unconstitutional raid on President Trump’s Mar-a-Lago estate, his role in hunting down the J6 patriots, and, more recently, his telling Kamala Harris, “We only have a few weeks left to fix this,” on a November 9 phone call that White Hats intercepted.
Our source said White Hats believe that, somehow, Wray was tipped off to JAG’s presence and magically absconded while the house was under rigorous surveillance, essentially pulling a Houdini or David Copperfield, disappearing as six JAG investigators had watchful eyes on both the front and rear exit and windows through which Wray could have crawled.
“We know as fact Christopher Wray was inside before the order was given to enter the house,” a JAG source told RRN.
Hours earlier, investigators wearing civilian attire and driving nondescript vehicles had arrived in Wray’s neighborhood and determined that Wray was home alone behaving normally, meaning he wasn’t twitchy or nervously peeking out windows as if expecting an implacable foe to burst inside.
“A target who thinks he’s being watched acts different than an oblivious one,” our source said. “But intelligence people are hard to gauge because they’ve had training. Wray gave off no clues.”
Asked why JAG didn’t storm the house while they had eyes on Wray, he added, “We’ve found the best time to confront targets is during what’s called the circadian low, the early morning hours since the target’s likely drowsy or asleep and slow to react. Of course, they could be wise to this tactic and adapted, but that still doesn’t explain Wray’s vanishing act.”
He said that Wray arrived at the home in a Mercedes-Benz GLS at 4:00 p.m. He only once opened the front door to retrieve a DoorDash food delivery the driver had placed on his porch. Between 5:00 and 10:00 p.m., he made three telephone calls from his personal cell—White Hats had that number tapped—two to his wife Helen in Georgia, and one to his son, Trip. The conversations were innocuous, our source said, and Wray sounded neither anxious nor distressed.
After spending a few hours working on a laptop in his home office, Wray retired to the living room and reposed on a sofa while watching television.
“His curtains were open just wide enough for us to glimpse his activities,” our source said. “It was nearly midnight when he started turning lights off and went to bed. Our men didn’t want to go inside right away; they wanted to make sure he was out cold and wouldn’t resist because he always carries [a gun].”
But when the investigators at 2:30 a.m. disabled the home security system and entered the residence, Wray was nowhere to be found. The dumbfounded JAG men searched the home meticulously, methodically scouring every room, closet, and crawlspace. Wray’s bed, our source said, hadn’t been slept in, and the laptop he had been using was missing, and his Mercedes was still parked in the garage. Confident that Wray was not inside, the investigators searched the surrounding area—backyards, culverts, and even dumpsters, leaving no visible stone unturned. Their efforts, though, were in vain. Somehow, Wray had given them the slip.
“If we lived in the Star Trek universe, I’d say someone beamed him out. To put it lightly, we’re stumped and frankly mystified by how he pulled this off. We know he hasn’t gone back to Georgia. Deep Staters are like bad pennies—they always turn up,” our source said.
Although our source misinterpreted the bad penny idiom, he expressed confidence Wray will ultimately resurface.
Edit: We have been told no tunnels were found in the home.
November 18/ 2024
White Hats Military To Purge Treasonous Officers👩‍🚀🚯💂⛔️🪖🚷👩‍🚀
White Hats have supplied the incoming Trump administration with a lengthy list of high-ranking military personnel whose derelictions of duty and constitutional maleficence included pledging allegiance to Joseph Biden, compelling subordinates to get vaxxed during the height of the plandemic, endorsing wokeness and DEI promotions, and myriad other crimes in contravention of the Uniform Code of Military Justice and the U.S. Constitution.
These officers, or Black Hats, engendered enmity within the military community, pitting their “values” against time-honored traditions codified in the sanctity of our nation’s sacred documents. Their subversiveness enervated the Armed Forces, caused mass attrition, and irreparably hurt recruitment. Many of these disgraced luminaries, like the now-deceased Mark Milley and Lloyd Austin, actively waged war against President Trump and the White Hats he appointed to drain the swamp.
White Hats say the officers on their list, if not court-martialed and punished, will continue to oppose President Trump from behind the scenes, their unstinting machinations bent on inching the nation toward total globalism and a one-world government. The military, our source said, has been rife with liberalism and criminality since the Clinton era, and worsened drastically under Barrack Hussein Obama and the Biden-Harris cabal. No military should allow in its ranks top-level officers who espouse hatred for their commander-in-chief and petition for taxpayer-funded transgender surgeries. Nor ones who fiercely obey unlawful orders rather than constitutional law.
Although RRN has yet to see the list, sources in General Smith’s cadre told us it includes admirals and generals from all major Armed Forces branches and “thousands” of junior officers likely to claim they were coerced into violating the Constitution.
We’ve seen this with the handful of Black Hats we’ve dealt with so far,” our source said. “Or say they were threatened. Yeah, this is a real possibility, but should we forgive that? Every man and woman in uniform knows right from wrong. And even if we don’t prosecute the sniveling 2nd lieutenant for heeding his commander’s unlawful orders, for example, he still has to be kicked out, and dishonorably discharged. I’m sure JAG is figuring this all out right now.”
He added that coercion and threats aren’t responsible for every treasonous action. Young officers today have either entered service already infected with the Woke Mind Virus or contracted it while attending military leadership institutions like West Point or other officer training schools. The Biden regime, our source said, has staffed these once prestigious places with leadership that Hates Donald Trump and loves liberalism. Malleable cadets inherit the traits of their instructors.
The same goes for future officers who attended college before OCS; academia has become the greatest proliferator of wokeness and a profound enemy of patriotism, an ecosystem where the most detestable humans pride themselves on spreading seditious ideologies. They are the malignancy that must be excised from society, as their teachings have spread and metastasized across all aspects of civilization, including the Armed Forces.
“Of course, we can’t go around getting rid of every lunatic professor. But we can save the military by purging it of disobedient officers, and I assume they’ll start at the top and work their way down,” our source said.
The top means field-grade officers who obeyed the late Lloyd Austin’s unconstitutional vaccine mandate, which resulted in the deaths of countless servicepeople before the House repealed it. It means officers who turned their units into Trump-loathing enterprises, with the intent of waging war on MAGA. It means officers who aided FEMA in Maui. And officers who promoted minorities and LGBQT+ over more qualified candidates.
“In a way, a lot has to be torn down and built back up. No more DEI quotas. No more Deep State sympathizers. If we don’t get them all, they’ll just repopulate, and that’s what we want to stop.”

October 21/ 2024
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August 24/ 2024
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December 12/2023
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November 17/ 2024
FBI Director Christopher Wray Charged With Treason Eludes White Hats Military Dragnet👩‍🚀🔎🕵️‍♂️🏠🔍🧑‍🚀🐝

A source in General Eric M. Smith’s office told Real Raw News yesterday that FBI Director Christopher Wray “supernaturally” eluded capture when JAG agents on Wednesday showed up at his D.C. residence with a military arrest warrant charging him with treason and other high crimes.
While Wray’s primary residence is in Georgia, where he lives with his wife Hellen and their two children, he also leased a 2,700-square-foot house in D.C.’s upscale suburb of Georgetown, where, sources say, he stayed while in town on official business—such as devising ways of imprisoning innocent patriots. JAG’s treason charge stems from Wray’s illegal and unconstitutional raid on President Trump’s Mar-a-Lago estate, his role in hunting down the J6 patriots, and, more recently, his telling Kamala Harris, “We only have a few weeks left to fix this,” on a November 9 phone call that White Hats intercepted.
Our source said White Hats believe that, somehow, Wray was tipped off to JAG’s presence and magically absconded while the house was under rigorous surveillance, essentially pulling a Houdini or David Copperfield, disappearing as six JAG investigators had watchful eyes on both the front and rear exit and windows through which Wray could have crawled.
“We know as fact Christopher Wray was inside before the order was given to enter the house,” a JAG source told RRN.
Hours earlier, investigators wearing civilian attire and driving nondescript vehicles had arrived in Wray’s neighborhood and determined that Wray was home alone behaving normally, meaning he wasn’t twitchy or nervously peeking out windows as if expecting an implacable foe to burst inside.
“A target who thinks he’s being watched acts different than an oblivious one,” our source said. “But intelligence people are hard to gauge because they’ve had training. Wray gave off no clues.”
Asked why JAG didn’t storm the house while they had eyes on Wray, he added, “We’ve found the best time to confront targets is during what’s called the circadian low, the early morning hours since the target’s likely drowsy or asleep and slow to react. Of course, they could be wise to this tactic and adapted, but that still doesn’t explain Wray’s vanishing act.”
He said that Wray arrived at the home in a Mercedes-Benz GLS at 4:00 p.m. He only once opened the front door to retrieve a DoorDash food delivery the driver had placed on his porch. Between 5:00 and 10:00 p.m., he made three telephone calls from his personal cell—White Hats had that number tapped—two to his wife Helen in Georgia, and one to his son, Trip. The conversations were innocuous, our source said, and Wray sounded neither anxious nor distressed.
After spending a few hours working on a laptop in his home office, Wray retired to the living room and reposed on a sofa while watching television.
“His curtains were open just wide enough for us to glimpse his activities,” our source said. “It was nearly midnight when he started turning lights off and went to bed. Our men didn’t want to go inside right away; they wanted to make sure he was out cold and wouldn’t resist because he always carries [a gun].”
But when the investigators at 2:30 a.m. disabled the home security system and entered the residence, Wray was nowhere to be found. The dumbfounded JAG men searched the home meticulously, methodically scouring every room, closet, and crawlspace. Wray’s bed, our source said, hadn’t been slept in, and the laptop he had been using was missing, and his Mercedes was still parked in the garage. Confident that Wray was not inside, the investigators searched the surrounding area—backyards, culverts, and even dumpsters, leaving no visible stone unturned. Their efforts, though, were in vain. Somehow, Wray had given them the slip.
“If we lived in the Star Trek universe, I’d say someone beamed him out. To put it lightly, we’re stumped and frankly mystified by how he pulled this off. We know he hasn’t gone back to Georgia. Deep Staters are like bad pennies—they always turn up,” our source said.
Although our source misinterpreted the bad penny idiom, he expressed confidence Wray will ultimately resurface.
Edit: We have been told no tunnels were found in the home.

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