Prophecy ~ Part 4 ~~ The Benefits Of Prophecy For Today

2 months ago

Prophecy ~ Part 4
The Benefits Of Prophecy For Today

By Pastor Gary Wayne

Text: 1 Corinthians 14:3-4, 23-24, 1 Thessalonians 5:19-22

It is possible to quench the Spirit in other ways, but Paul’s focus in this context is despising prophecy can result in quenching the Spirit.

In ver.20 the word “despise” = least esteemed, set at nought. Or to regard as nothing important - It conveys a sense of looking down upon or disregarding the worth or significance of.

I see two extremes to avoid – don’t be a skeptic, a doubting Thomas, and don’t be gullible, believing everything people say is from God.
V.22 test the prophetic word.

1Cor.14:29 Paul tells us to let prophets speak, and let the others judge what is said.
We need the balance of each other.
1Cor.13:9 “We know in part and we prophesy in part.”

In a healthy culture where a prophetic word is given, we should be able to judge a word and say, “I don’t agree with that word.” And it does not reflect on the person given the word.
If someone gives a word and it’s not actually from God, it shouldn’t blow back on the person giving the word.
Missing it, is a part of growing in your gifting. If you exercise your gifts from God, there are times you will get it wrong, and THAT’ S OK!
It’s part of being human, part of exercising, growing.

Why do people despise prophecy?
- They have been taught that prophecy is not for today.
- Sometimes people are afraid when the Holy Spirit moves.
- Sometimes the operation of this spiritual gift has caused confusion.
- Some have wrongly used prophetic to take advantage of people.

But I want to emphasize that God’s plan for the Spiritual gifts to function is so important that God told us through Paul to seek this gift and don’t shut it down.

1Cor.14:3-4 Prophesy is to encourage people, build them up, and to bring them comfort.
I want to look at ver.23-24, a place I think is often totally misunderstood by many, and can cause people to be gun-shy around the prophetic.

The wording convicted by all, and “thus the secrets of his heart are revealed…” can be misunderstood that the prophetic function is to reveal secret sin. (especially the wording of the NIV)
This is not saying that a person’s secret sin is to be told out loud.

I can’t imagine anyone who has just had their secret sin revealed to those around them, falling down and worshiping and saying, “God is truly among you.”
What I think it is saying – When the Holy Spirit moves through the prophet, people realize the reality of what is being said is of God - as a result, their heart comes under conviction.

What I believe is a major aspect of a prophetic word, is that God reveals the gold He knows is in people.
When God calls it to light, they are convicted – convinced by that reality.
Most of us know the sin in our lives, but we don’t know and need God to point out the gold in our lives.

I have known people to be afraid to be prayed for because they didn’t want hidden things revealed. I get that.
God is God, and He does what is best, but for the most part, God doesn’t strip a person naked and embarrass them in front of others.

In some cases, when we say what He says to say, it sets it in motion.

Sometimes a word from God lets a person know that God is active with what is in their heart, and so a prophetic word gives has more weight as God touches on undisclosed things.

Sometimes a word from God is to cause us to intercede for a situation, and or for people standing at a crossroad.

Sometimes God gives a word to activate the body to prayer.
To awaken people to something that needs their attention. To stand in a gap.

There are prophetic words that don’t seem to make sense, and there is no evidence of them coming to pass, yet God is still at work to bring about His word.

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