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Kim Goguen Full Situation Update - Deep State Fail


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  • In Norway i found out Nordea bank with IRS & Treasury since sep 2014 are with sattlites & AI showing some thing else on bank data & IRS & goverment intern data about U means 2 diffrent clouds that 1 is fake that U donot see it on your netbank this way with sicret notes written under your real saving acount on bank intern data & with acounters numbers like 3000 cod bank are helping treasury & IRS manipulate & make my saving acount look like income while i have no job no income no organisation nr this way they show unemployment globaly much lower in statistics & if U work 4yourself telecompany make your nr unknown to make U bankrupt &on IRS create other acounting balances that is fake with fake org nr with fake acounting balances with your ip &hidding Telecompany made busineses fon mobilnr unknown that make very little money,I was working 14 years as hairdresser for norwegian company until 1 sep 2014,Bc i always liked acounting i learned as hobby a little manual acounting cods. In Norway 3000 karactor is a acounter cod that acounters use to show shops Balances of each day bankcards transactions & cash together get 3000 cod balance that acounters in IRS use it too but when U have no job no income & no organisation nr & U pay your bills with your saving acount they make your saving look like income job company in statistic & IRS means from clouds they create fake acounting balances & sell to IRS for show unemployment much lower in statistics,USA sentral bank & treasury order bank change your old saving acount name to buffer &Extra saving acount & bc all data go to cloud some corupt acounters from IRS with cyber militery &cyber police with bank ceo they write a note : 3000 caracter cod under your saving acount & your buffer acount that show only on bank data that 3000 cod is a cod that corupt acounters from cloud use it with fake bank card nr create fake activ company transactions acounting balances on your name & sell it to IRS & treasury & google

  • Banks glovaly from cloud with AI & sattlites writting acounters cods note under unemploy ppl saving acounts & volect it to clouds that ciruot acounters with cyber police from cloud with IT companies acounters creatr fake activ company acounting balances with your saving acount & nordea bank in Norway with AI create fake bank card nr on my ip adr netbank details on my name & copy go to cloud then acounter use it with cut & lim & edit tools create fake acounting balances & sell it to IRS & treasury creatr fake ieganisation nr & telecompany hack to my new mobil setting 2024 about fon on staus info is written fake info is written your nr is official but i have no org nr no company no job bc copy of fake info from your mobil with your ip adr go to cloud & sold to IRS for show unemployments lower in statistics google create with my mobil nr fake activ compamies too . Thats why they do globaly censor of trutellers & evidences, trutellers name be program to Ai to shadowban U . Watch on youtube : The real news world wide banking fraud & watch on youtube : The full Edward Snowden interview .

  • With 5g goverments imteligents & cyber police with IT companies as third partners like fujitsu are hacking to grocerys & shops data & if U R targeted bc bank create fake bank card nr for IRS create on your name with your saving acount create fake company on IRS on your name show unemployment lower so thry bout police cyber police with 5g see U from all cameras at real time so while U are paying even cashyer scan cids of itimes cyber police with IT agents hack at real time manipulate cods of Itimes & even money go from your debit acount stil bank card nr be manipulated by Ai at real time . Is very sad numbers that run the world are using AI to manipulate numbers & bank card nr for help cyber piluce fabticate dirt on ennocent ppl & for fabricate on IRS & treasury fake activ companies on nsme of some unemploy ppl that are around 50 years old tgats what Norway do to me write on bitchute : Dr Ana : watch targeted justice & write on youtube : skynews post office beyond horizon . Tgen watch on youtube Evan Edinger pist office scandal Then write : skynews fujitsu director inquiry jan 2024 At end of video lawyers say to fujitsu that IT compamies with 5g software are manipulating cods of sjops itimes . I made video in Norway in some shops prove really cods of itimes become manipulated . Thatd why globaly goverments are doing lots of censor is not for hate is bc they censor trutellers & evidences