Lanhee Chen Reminds Psaki that Biden’s HHS Secy. Xavier Becerra ‘Never Dealt with Healthcare’

3 months ago

PSAKI: “He’s also not qualified for the job in multiple of these cases. And that’s the key thing here.”
WELKER: “What about that, the ethical questions?”
CHEN: “Well, look, the ethical questions are serious. But I would say we have seen nominations before from presidents of both parties where there have been ethical and substantive issues. Let’s not forget, we had a nominee for HHS secretary in this administration who had never dealt with health care before being nominated. So I think the notion — “
PSAKI: “He was the attorney — look, I’m not here to defend. He was the attorney general for the state of California. This is a little bit of a different — “
CHEN: “He had experience suing health care companies. But not anything to do with health care.”
PSAKI: “But I think the issue here that I’m raising, that I hope that is part of the process here, not just the ethical questions — and this is my point, is somebody who, yes, he was a military veteran, and that should be honored, but he is somebody who has never overseen an entity that is as large and as expansive as the Department of Defense, be sitting in the Oval Office sitting in the Situation Room advising the president on the lives of servicemen and women. Should he be the one sitting next to his counterparts overseas?”
CHEN: “That’s why the Senate needs to — “
NAWAZ: “Let me just say, the speed at which these nominations is coming out is forcing us to have a lot of these conversations.”

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