Video 5: Men and Women’s Brains in the Memory Palace #acnh – Does Testosterone make a difference?

2 months ago

In this video we look how men and women, in general, have different thought and memory patterns.

Men have better spatial memories and can compartmentalize easily.
Women have a wider range of emotional and relational responses to specific objects.
How does that play out in a Memory Palace?

Memory Palace Mechanics in this video: The subject of Brain Science is moved off Memoria and on to Haven. This subject, like many sciences, changes over time. So, while it belongs in the Wisdom area, it is less permanent than other things that will be found in that area. It belongs in a more expansive area.

Dream Addresses:
Memoria DA-8686-2923-3655
Paradise DA-5461-7571-7488
Haven DA-2046-0967-5100


Mark Gungor "Laugh Your Way To A Better Marriage: A Tale Of 2 Brains" | FULL STANDUP COMEDY SPECIAL

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