A Farewell to Virology | Dr Mark Bailey

3 months ago

Dr Mark Bailey outlines his views of the fatal flaws in virology. He also discusses how his research demonstrates how the virus model remains an imaginary construct and why virologists' methodologies have always been insufficient to support their claims.

Mark won an undergraduate scholarship to the University of Canterbury in 1994 and then completed his medical training at the University of Otago in 1999. He worked in many specialties as a resident doctor and was also a clinical trials research physician for several years. In 2016 he left clinical practice due to dissatisfaction with the allopathic medical system.

Mark is the author of “A Farewell To Virology (Expert Edition)”, co-author of “The COVID-19 Fraud & War on Humanity” and co-author of The Final Pandemic. He works alongside his wife Dr Sam Bailey, and since early 2020 has been the duo’s chief researcher with a focus on microbiology, the existence of viruses, as well as historical and epistemological issues within medical science.


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Presentation: 4 September 2024

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