The Greatest Show On Earth - Follow The Yellow Brick Road - Part 2

3 months ago

Are you afraid, concerned or confused about what is happening in America and the world? If so, watch Part 2 of this mind-blowing, brilliant film by Nick Alvear. It is not only factually historical, but Biblical. The film shows past and current events, and encourages patriots to boldly unite to defeat a common, worldwide enemy, the Deep State Cabal, who has committed genocide against We The People, and through the WEF's and other deep state agendas to enslave humanity. It is based on the work of Prolotario 1 (Ariel) and the work of Derek Johnson. This powerfully culminating documentary from Good Lion Films was directed, produced and written by Nick Alvear, showcasing the Freemasonic Jesuit Khazarian Luciferian Cabal. It's time to wake up from the deep state illusion. The world isn't what it seems. Rabbit Hole Caution - You Wont Come Out The Same!

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