MGS2 Sons of Liberty - Boss Survival, Raiden, Easy, Olga - 9.81

1 month ago

The fastest Olga strategy for the main game done on Boss Survival, but the right-side variant of it which is a bit slower than the left-side. I think this can go down to a 9.7X. On this version, Olga will only go right side, but the left-side version is faster. I wonder what times I can pull off with that in mind. Save state created before the fight loaded in to avoid having to do the previous bosses when testing.
The fastest Olga strategy for the main game done on Boss Survival, but the right-side variant of it which is a bit slower than the left-side. I think this can go down to a 9.7X. On this version, Olga will only go right side, but the left-side version is faster. I wonder what times I can pull off with that in mind. Save state created before the fight loaded in to avoid having to do the previous bosses when testing.

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