The Ringed Plover: Close Up HD Footage (Charadrius hiaticula)

3 months ago

The Ringed Plover is a small wading bird you'll often spot along our UK coastlines. It's easy to recognise thanks to its distinctive black and white markings, especially the black band across its chest that looks a bit like a necklace. These little birds are about the size of a starling and have short orange legs and a stubby orange bill with a black tip.
You'll find them scurrying about on beaches and mudflats, where they feed on insects, worms, and small crustaceans. They're quite clever when feeding - they stamp their feet on the ground to make worms and other prey come to the surface!
These plovers nest right on the beach, making a shallow scrape in the sand or shingle. Their eggs are brilliantly camouflaged, looking just like tiny pebbles. If a predator comes near their nest, the parent birds will pretend to have a broken wing to lead the threat away from their chicks - quite crafty!

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