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Why UFO is now UAP?
Cause Before Symptom - With Your Host James Carner
Why UFO is now UAP?
So, the last few days have been a social media frenzy when congress addressed the retired military man about aliens, bodies, craft and the like. If you were not careful, you would miss the fact that this is just an opinion from a retired military officer. It’s not an official address to the world that aliens from the ocean exist. But social media took off and added fox news claimed the world is flat, too. Not so fast. Let’s take a step back and see what congress is trying to achieve. What do they want? Congress doesn’t do anything without wanting something in return. What are they trying to achieve by addressing this subject and secondly, why are they not addressing extra versus intra. So far, all of the disclosure work has addressed that aliens are not from other galaxies and that is puzzling. If the new workd order idea is to claim the Plaidiens will return from another star system, why are they focusing on intradimensional and tellurian, which means from earth.
And why have they changed the name from UFO to UAP? Instead of unidentified flying object, we now have unidentified anomalous phenomena. This all happened within a few short years and the media are still trying to get used to it. The general term means objects in the air, sea, or space that are difficult to explain. This was changed on purpose because the powers that be are focusing our efforts on the sea. Why? Is it because the flat earthers are growing and the firmament is being talked about so much thay had to switch gears? We’re all well aware that UFO stands for “unidentified flying object.” That term has been around for decades, even though UFO sightings have been around for centuries. But it was the “mysterious flying disc” outbreak of 1947 that led to people calling them UFOs. Basically.
At first, they called them flying saucers. The most infamous of such incidents was the Roswell crash in July 1947. But the sightings really all started when private pilot Kenneth Arnold reported spotting nine shiny unidentified flying objects flying at high speeds past Mount Rainier on June 24, 1947.
But as I mentioned, they weren’t called UFOs then. Lexico cites that “according to the Oxford English Dictionary, the term ‘unidentified flying object’ goes back at least to the 1950s: it is recorded in 1953, in a book by the US aviator and writer Donald Keyhoe.”
However, UFO is how we’ve known them ever since. Or we did, until the release of the UFO report in 2021, which was titled the “Preliminary Assessment: Unidentified Aerial Phenomena” report. So I guess it would be more apt to call it the UAP report. (Except that kind of shows people are reluctant to embrace the new term because I rarely see anyone referring to it that way.)
The report compiled the results of the Unidentified Aerial Phenomena Task Force (UAPTF), which was assembled to evaluate “a range of information on UAP described in U.S. military and IC reporting.”
As Smithsonian Magazine pointed out, the report “never even mentioned the possibility of an extraterrestrial origin for the sighted objects,” but did acknowledge UAPs are real —but the “U” is key. Whatever the “aerial phenomenon” is, it’s simply “unidentified.” It could be extraterrestrial or it could be as yet unidentified advanced technology another nation here on Earth is employing to spy on us or something.
But why the name change? It’s not the public, but the government is driving it. As The Washington Post reported in 2019, officials prefer UAP. Per a quote from Joseph Gradisher, spokesman for the deputy chief of naval operations for information warfare, “The Navy designates the objects contained in these videos as unidentified aerial phenomena. The ‘Unidentified Aerial Phenomena’ terminology is used because it provides the basic descriptor for the sightings/observations of unauthorized/unidentified aircraft/objects that have been observed entering/operating in the airspace of various military-controlled training ranges.”
The videos Gradisher referred to included three that the Navy released that showed pilots encountering “mysterious objects” that moved “in ways that baffled experts.” They released two videos in 2017, and a third in 2018. All of which sparked the UFO-loving public’s interest because (a) they weren’t caught on just any video, but by the military, and (b) the videos contained audio, so we heard the pilots’ genuine reactions of befuddlement.
But does UAP sum up the situation any better than UFO? Or is the terminology an attempt to dispel the stigma surrounding UFO sightings? Which, as the UFO report alluded to, often discourages observers (that are enlisted in the military) from making reports for fear of facing ridicule or worse.
UFOs and UAPs have become common acronyms in news headlines as members of Congress have called for more transparency on what the government knows — and doesn’t know — about unidentified aerial phenomena, previously the subjects of conspiracy theories and grainy images.
Members of Congress have led a bipartisan effort to investigate and declassify government documents containing information regarding such unidentified phenomena following the testimony of UFO whistleblower David Grusch, a former Air Force and intelligence officer, before a House Oversight subcommittee in July 2023.
Grusch said he brought his concerns to the Office of the Inspector General of the Intelligence Community, including classified details he could not share with the public or Congress in an open setting.
Now, in early 2024, the House Oversight Committee will again get a classified briefing from the intelligence community inspector general.
As the ability to track, record and identify the objects becomes more sophisticated, an independent panel has urged NASA to improve the data it collects about unidentified aerial phenomena.
However, it’s important to note that UFOs don’t necessarily mean aliens are visiting Earth, either, BBC reported. UFOs can also refer to other objects in the sky such as weather balloons or drones.
The intellectually honest answer is, "we don't know". That's why the government switched from UFO to UAP; to get away from the knee-jerk assumption that UFO=Aliens. UAP/UFOs are real, but we don't know what they are.
That makes sense. So the wording is changed to soften the blow as well to offset a panic. We learned from the famous radio hoax “The War of the Worlds" whichw was the 17th episode of the CBS Radio series The Mercury Theatre on the Air, and was broadcast at 8 pm ET on October 30, 1938. H. G. Wells' original novel tells the story of a Martian invasion of Earth where the people of the united states panicked thinking it was real. Since then, military, government and entertainment has been conditioning us to accept it and social media has proved we already have.
But that is not my question. I want to know why they are removing our focus on the stars and pointing to the sea. My answer is to buy some time. I don’t think the nephilim are returning just yet so they need to redirect attention from the stars and to the planet itself. This is just a common sense opinion as there are several things missing from from the end of days events. For example, the nephilim are not here yet and men’s hearts are not 99.99% evil continually. This was Jesus’ waarning to his disciples when they asked what to look for.
The sons of god are not ready yet. It’s only been 80 years since we started tinkering with human animal hybrids. I think it will take another 100 years to perfect this. The reason is, you have to raise a group to have children to believe in the story. A few generation of hybrids must be bred and given the lie to believe they are from another solar system. In order for them to act like the way we want them to, they have to be raised, nurtered, groomed and schooled. All of this has been underground and out of sight. I do believe Phil Schneider’s story, where he was enlisted to help with geological surveys of Dulce, NM and supposedly had a small war with underground humanoids.
But instead, this was most likely a few generations since world war 2 of human animal hybrids the military has been working on to pull off the great deception. I know it sounds far fetched, but it’s what I would do if all of my previous control mechanisms failed. William Cooper was the first in the 80’s to point this out. He believed that the government were creating human animal hybrids for the grandest hoax of control. This story of reverse engineering alien technology is the ruse. We can find evidence that the second world war dawned the technology that we Colonial Phillip J. Corso said he gave to silicon valley to reverse engineer. He lied.
Antigravity isn’t hard to achieve. Ask Stan Deyo, an Australian whio built one in the 60’s. After his small company created it, he was quickly made an agent of the CIA and his technology was taken. The idea that aliens would help the elite keep control stems back to Ronald Reagon who actually said it in a speech to the United Nations on September 21, 1987. On uniting the world under a single world order, Reagan said: “Perhaps we need some outside universal threat to make us recognize this common bond. I occasionally think how quickly our differences worldwide would vanish if we were facing an alien threat from outside this world.”
In October of 1987, the final issue of Alan Moore’s comicbook Watchmen was released, and featured a fake alien invasion being used by cynical control freaks as a justification for a global government. A gigantic fake squid alien is dumped on New York City, killing a bunch of people. The story was uncredited, but is assumed to have been both written and drawn by Jacob Kurtzberg AKA Khazar Jack Kirby. A “fake aliens to create a world government” plot appeared in the 1963 Outer Limits episode of The Architects of Fear, written by the Khazar Meyer Dolinsky.
I imagine that if there is an event, it will be a peaceful contact, rather than a violent invasion. I would picture fake aliens who are identical to humans coming to warn us about racism and climate change. But they could also have the aliens start issuing threats of some kind if the people start to not believe it. Even if they do not go all the way to a fake contact war, they are going to begin flooding the media with Alien Agenda gobbledygook in order to intensify the confusion already running rampant through our society.
Serge Monast was a Quebecois conspiracy theorist. He is mostly known for his promotion of the Project Blue Beam conspiracy theory, which posits a plot to facilitate a totalitarian world government by destroying Abrahamic religions and replacing them with a New Age belief system using futuristic NASA technology and involving a faked alien invasion or fake extraterrestrial encounter meant to deceive nations into uniting under a world government.
The biggest difference between what Monast wrote about and what is happening is that there are no holograms projected into the sky. Instead, the Pentagon is disseminating digitally manipulated video footage of UFOs. If there ever is a “contact” event, they will figure out a way to stage it with CGI and some props. They will do the same thing they do with Hollywood movies. Monast’s insistence on Holograms made the whole thing sound ridiculous.
Meanwhile, French computer scientist Jacques Vallée has put forward a much clearer concept about the government faking aliens that few people even know about. He claimed all through the 1990s that the government was manipulating people into believing in aliens for the purpose of social manipulation. He comes across as a bit of a kook himself now, but you have to consider what it was like before the internet in terms of information. He came at the topic simply wanting to research it, and came to the conclusion that the government was promoting fake aliens in the 1980s as part of a larger scheme.
It is really a shame that the Blue Beam thing was promoted so heavily, as it disguises the obvious fact that the establishment has been using everything in their power to promote aliens nonsense for decades on end, clearly as part of a weird agenda. If discussion of this agenda had not been relegated to the conspiracy theory realm, people would immediately know what was happening when the media starts doing nonstop UFO coverage.
The Military is the One Releasing the Footage, The “Whistleblowers” are All from the Military
There is no way to travel faster than the speed of light. I know we’ve spent our lives seeing “warp drive” in science fiction, but that is not real. Wormholes, stargates and so on are just abject nonsense. This means that it would take a ridiculously long time for aliens to reach earth. They would have to freeze themselves, or send robots, and there is just no coherent explanation as to why they would come here and then just fly around in ships harassing the US military. It just doesn’t make logical sense. The logical, sensible thing is that if we are seeing UFOs here, they are from here.
Luis Elizondo claims that he worked for military intelligence for 20 years, working in the Middle East and Guantanamo Bay, and then in 2008 he was pulled in to be the leader of a secret Pentagon UFO program called the Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program (AATIP). This guy has been around for a few years, regularly featured on the History Channel’s UFO circuit. He describes AATIP exactly like the eponymous X-Files in the X-Files TV show. He even says they shut it down (like the X-Files were always being shut down in the show). He claims to have looked at a bunch of videos of UFOs. In 2019, The Intercept claimed that there was no evidence that he ever worked for a Pentagon UFO operation, though I can believe he did (or I could believe he didn’t).
Former Navy pilot Lieutenant Ryan Graves, claims that he saw UFOs on radar and infrared every single day for years. What exactly is to keep intelligence from simply feeding these men fake videos and radar scans of crafts? Every single video is blurry. If people are seeing these crafts, why do we not have a single clear image of them? High definition cameras have existed for a long time. If the government is planning an Alien Agenda, I see no reason that they wouldn’t try to get as many people as they can that are working in the military to actually believe in these crafts. What does it cost them to create a department designed to look at photoshopped videos of blurry future ships that “defy the laws of physics”?
Bill Whitaker is an American television journalist and a correspondent for the CBS News program 60 Minutes interviewed two Navy pilots, David Fravor and Alex Dietrich, who claim to have flown right up close to one of these crafts in 2004. They say they were right up near an actual ship, shaped like a Tic Tac, hovering over the water and creating whitewater. It moved in weird directions and splashed around before disappearing before their very eyes. Certainly, an eyewitness account is more compelling than a bunch of blurry videos that could just as easily be faked. But these two people could simply be intelligence agents trained to act. Which is more likely: real UFOs or two trained actors? Didn’t Trump tell us about the casting actors in Washington?
Is not Occam’s Razor, that this is a hoax? Following the narrative of the X-Files TV show, Bill Whitaker then goes to the government insider who has been working to help the soldiers get their story told about this Alien Agenda: Christopher Mellon of the Mellon banking family. He serves as Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense and Staff Director of the Senate Intelligence Committee. So he’s a high-ranking bureaucrat from an elite family who is concerned about these aliens. Mellon was the one who in 2017 “leaked” videos of these supposed spaceships to the New York Times, which led to a period of the media pumping it up.
The NYT seeded the “government admits it” idea for later use (this is the same thing they did with the “SARS pandemic” in the early 2000s – they acclimate people to ideas that will be used in future hoaxes, and they always overlap with stories from entertainment media). Maybe Mellon believes it. There is no reason he has to know this is a hoax. The only people who have to know it is a hoax are the people claiming to have seen one of these craft with their own eyes. The rest of these people have just seen digital video, which is precisely worthless in terms of proving the actions of living people, never mind the actions of a blurry shape. Finally, Whitaker talks to Senator Marco Rubio, who is playing the character of Senator Richard Matheson from the X-Files.
Rubio said the same thing he always says on the topic, saying that we have to find out what these ships are for the sake of national security. He has been the key figure in this agenda following the departure of Harry Reid, who had previously been pushing it. Rubio is the epitome of an “empty suit.” He actually cares more about overthrowing communism in Cuba so his family can go back and rule the country. He will say literally anything, so he’s the perfect figurehead of this weird agenda. I doubt he knows it’s a hoax. I think he’s just the kind of person who doesn’t ask a lot of questions, which is why he was the Chair of the Senate Intelligence Committee in the first place. Rubio said he’s pushed for an unclassified report that is coming next month. I expect this report will be heavily covered in the media, and will be the start of mass coverage of UFOs. It won’t be coronavirus or Black Lives levels of coverage, but it will be a major, ongoing news item.
Probably, when the report is released, the Pentagon will agree to start publishing footage of the alleged craft, which will serve as constant fodder for the media. Again, even if they do not decide to do a fake alien contact event, dumping a bunch of Alien Agenda nonsense into a society already in the midst of a collective paranoid-schizoid breakdown is something that’s worth the media’s time. The entire 60 Minutes segment was ridiculous. Whitaker was attempting to act incredulous, while at the same time agreeing that the Pentagon “admitted it” and not giving any counterargument other than “maybe it’s a weather balloon.” The obvious counterargument is that this is a government hoax. That is very straightforward. Even if you believed in aliens, you would admit that the obvious counterargument is government hoax. That is the debate: “is it aliens or is it a government hoax.” In nowhere in this equation is a discussion of weather balloons. But 60 Minutes did not bother to present the obvious counterargument. This was blatant shilling for the Alien Agenda hoax.
Where are the Cellphone Videos?
Here’s a major problem: no one is filming these craft with their cellphones. If these ships are flying around everywhere, and the military is recording video of it every day, how is it possible that videos of it are not showing up constantly on Twitter? The ships in these blurry government videos, for reasons unexplained, have lights on them. Everyone has a phone, everyone films everything they see, and since the dawn of the cellphone, we’ve not seen huge numbers of these videos. In fact, we haven’t seen any.
The video that featured the best defined images is one of a craft moving outside of a jet in daylight. It looks vaguely like the shuttlepod from Star Trek: Enterprise (the show took place before transporter technology had been perfected, so they were always bopping around in shuttlepods). Again, these people claim this happens regularly. How is it that they’re the only ones who have noticed it?
In the 1990s, there was a huge wave of UFO theories, with thousands of people calling in to Art Bell and other talk radio shows to tell stories about seeing UFOs. Many people built careers on telling these stories as well. Some people would tell stories about actually seeing aliens, or being abducted by them. They would usually relate it back to films, in particular Steven Spielberg’s 1977 film Close Encounters of the Third Kind. This was a big part of the culture when I was a kid. The very first episode of South Park, which aired in August of 1997, was called “Cartman Gets an Anal Probe,” a reference to claims from people who had alleged that they were abducted by aliens and given an anal probe.
It seems likely that people saw this stuff in entertainment, and were able to convince themselves it was real. However, by the mid-2010s, that whole thing seemed to have been debunked by cellphone cameras. No one could claim they saw a UFO anymore, because if they did, people would ask them why they didn’t film it. If they claimed to have been abducted, there also would have been some cellphone record. So people just stopped making these claims. Look at the X-Files. In the original show in the 1990s, the main plot was based on the talk radio shows and books about aliens. However, when the show was relaunched in 2016, they made it about Alex Jones type secret government “New World Order” material, because the aliens thing just wasn’t interesting anymore.
The cellphone camera problem persists through the theory of secret government technology. Much bigger than that is the fact that other militaries are not claiming to be seeing these crafts. Surely, if they were secret US government crafts, they would at least be using them to test China and Russia? And if they’re picked up on US radar, they would be picked up on other countries’ radar systems. This idea that the military is seeing these things nonstop and yet no one else does is not rational. Faked videos and actors on TV makes 100% sense as an assumption, covers all bases, and does not require any kind of massive, confusing, convoluted conspiracy theory.
Remember that in 2016, Jean-Claude Juncker, then the head of the EU, claimed to be in contact with aliens. He said, “of our flight towards the future, the horizons await us, and we fly toward the horizons that are those of Europe and of the whole planet. It must be known that those that observe us from afar are restless, I have seen and heard and listened to several of the leaders of other planets that are very restless because they wonder about the way the European Union is going to follow, and so we must assure and the Europeans and those that watch us from farther away.” Also remember that the media didn’t report on it hardly at all, and the EU published fake minutes of the session he was speaking in, removing the thing he said about speaking with “leaders of other planets.”
The Sea
The Bible talks about the beast coming out of the sea. Scholars believed that the sea meant people. But this UAP and sea people changes everything. Perhaps the agenda is to start world war 3 and the sea people decide to fly out of the ocean and stop us from killing ourselves. The beast, which you saw, once was, now is not, and yet will come up out of the Abyss and go to its destruction. The inhabitants of the earth whose names have not been written in the book of life from the creation of the world will be astonished when they see the beast, because it once was, now is not, and yet will come. Revelations 17:8. Cryptic, yet perhaps this has new meaning now.
The Beast out of the Sea was a frightful creature revealed to John in the Book of Revelation that represents either a personage, kingdom or both. It is seen rising up from the sea to make war on the God's people. As a servant of the dragon seen to be Satan in the previous vision, it will blaspheme God and demand all the world to worship it. It will seem to be killed only to rise again. Chapter 13 of Revelation John introduces and describes in great detail two beasts: one beast coming up out of the sea and one beast coming up out of the earth. They represent the Antichrist and the False Prophet. These two, empowered by Satan, set out with a mission to deceive many during the Great Tribulation.
So, one beast is the false prophet of the land representing the entire species of land and the other, the antichrist which comes from the sea. “The great dragon was hurled down — that ancient serpent called the devil, or Satan, who leads the whole world astray. He was hurled to the earth, and his angels with him” Revelations 12:9. “Then the dragon was enraged at the woman and went off to wage war against the rest of her offspring — those who keep God’s commands and hold fast their testimony about Jesus” (Revelation 12:17)
“The dragon stood on the shore of the sea. And I saw a beast coming out of the sea. It had ten horns and seven heads, with ten crowns on its horns, and on each head a blasphemous name. The beast I saw resembled a leopard, but had feet like those of a bear and a mouth like that of a lion. The dragon gave the beast his power and his throne and great authority. One of the heads of the beast seemed to have had a fatal wound, but the fatal wound had been healed. The whole world was filled with wonder and followed the beast” (Revelation 13:1-3).
“Then I saw a second beast, coming out of the earth. It had two horns like a lamb, but it spoke like a dragon. It exercised all the authority of the first beast on its behalf, and made the earth and its inhabitants worship the first beast, whose fatal wound had been healed. And it performed great signs, even causing fire to come down from heaven to the earth in full view of the people” (Rev. 13:11-13).
So, it appears the first beast comes out of the sea and wages war on the Christians and it gets shot in the head. It comes back from the dead and then the second beast of the land forms a union with it and goes after the Christians again. Perhaps the water creature can take a bullet to the head and make it out ok. This second beast comes out of the earth, which many agree means that it is coming out of Israel. This beast will also have power and if you notice they will cause people to worship the first beast or Antichrist. Because this leader will be some type of religious leader he is often referred to as the False Prophet. Could Trump be the false prophet?
Maybe the UAP thing is to get us prepared for the end of days. We know that UFO’s can travel in space, sea and in the air. UFO meaning was the scare phrase that people got used to and now UAP has came in a benign way for everyone to accept the sea monster. It’s still confusing to me since I have been studying extra terrestrial all tis time and not tellurian. The new agers actually have talked more about the people living underground than the extraterrestial space people. Our enemy uses other stories to distract us from what he is doing. The end of days will not be anything like we imagined. The military does the same thing. Send out propaganda and disinformation to steer everyone down the wrong path so they can continue the operation. I think all we really have that is closer to the truth than what congress asks military leakers is the bible. Although tampered with, it still have enough information to prepare us.
Although I don’t think we are there yet, I could be totally wrong. If Jesus is returning within the next 10 years, it wouldn’t be a bad idea to turn to Him. This means get your house in order. The best way I can explain that is, what selection of movies will he see if he were to visit your home? Where is your bible? In a box or front and center? How many bottles will he see in the kitchen? Or in recycling? It’s not a bad thing to clean yourself up and your home. But don’t do it because you’re scared of him. Do it because it’s best for you anyways. The less sin in your life, the more you hear his signal.
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