Burn: New Beginnings (part 5)

3 months ago

*Fully transformed, and now fully free due to foolish government interference that only caused enough distraction for him to break out of his containment, Xo Wu is no longer Xo Wu and he escapes Trauls lab only to find that he was being kept underneath the streets of Hong Kong this whole time. It is a devastating mistake, another foolish decision by a government who never thought their science might break free to plague the world, but now that he is out Xo can finally follow the dictates of the evil that has full control over him. The DNA that cured his cancer did also transform him into a beast that looks nothing like his former self, a beast able to withstand bullets and explosions and great heat and great cold, yet that is not the full extent of what has happened to Xo. That new DNA was from the Old One and once it coursed through his veins Xo heard the call of the Old One ordering him to make others like himself, and then to make even more others that will be lesser than him yet still useful, so that together all that Xo will birth can unite to call the Old One home. An ancient evil that once was cast from our world into the deepest reaches of space needs a horde to scream loud enough for it to follow and Xo must bite, must main, must create other zombies so that that scream can begin [AI ART]*

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