Mounjaro/GLP1 W4 - Conference Eating and Survival

3 months ago

Mounjaro/GLP1 W4 - Conference Eating and Survival

In this episode, I discuss coping with unexpected challenges, like testing positive for COVID after attending a conference. Despite feeling unwell, I share updates on my weight loss journey with Mounjaro, including losing 3.1 pounds this week, making it a total of 8.1 pounds. I outline strategies for managing food and maintaining dietary needs while traveling, focusing on protein and fiber intake, and offer practical tips for staying prepared for times when control over food choices is limited. I also reflect on changes in my behavior, like giving up Diet Coke, and reinforce the importance of doing what's possible, even when perfection isn't achievable.

00:00 Introduction and COVID Update
00:25 Mounjaro Week Four Progress
01:53 Conference Challenges and Diet Management
07:40 Unexpected Situations and Preparation Tips
10:02 Conference Experience and Final Thoughts

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I am not sponsored by any company, product, or organization. I am also not a doctor or a licensed psychologist. The advice and insights I share are based on my personal experiences and perspectives and are meant for people navigating common struggles. If you are facing serious or specialized challenges, please seek professional advice tailored to your needs. Always do what feels right for you and consult experts when necessary.

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