Potentially Catastrophic Nomination by Trump

3 months ago

This one nomination could render Donald Trump's second term as President completely toothless and compromise our national security in a profound way. Normally I wouldn't say that affiliation with a group should disqualify someone from holding public office or from being nominated by someone who holds public office, but there are a couple of exceptions and I'll name two of them.

If someone is affiliated with the KKK, that should in my opinion, disqualify them from ever holding public office or from being nominated by someone who does and approved by the Senate.

Another one is being affiliated in any way, shape, or form with the World Economic Forum, or its child NGO, the Forum of Young Global Leaders. This should be an automatic disqualification from ever holding any public office in the United States of America, from the federal level all the way to the local level in a small town. If you are affiliated or have ever even been listed by them as an honoree (they've been accused of doing this, but from what I know, they do not do this, if someone is named, that someone is a member and there was a great deal of effort involved in making that happen on the part of everyone, including whomever it was who was named).

The KKK is a racist organization that is fueled by hatred and ignorance, and intolerance. People associated with that organization have various reasons for being involved with it. Some of these reasons really aren't the fault of the individual, but can be blamed on the people who raised them or mentored them, shaping their thought patterns early in life when their minds were soft and as the old saying goes, "you can't teach an old dog new tricks", and that is why you must protect your children from being indoctrinated with hate and with ignorance because that is a cycle that is hard to break.

It is much the same with the WEF, which is Klaus Schwab's massive and extremely powerful global fascist empire. His logo might as well be the Swastika because the way this global empire works is much the same as Hitler's national empire did. Hitler wasn't as successful as Klaus Schwab has been, and for many reasons. The point to take away from this is that nothing good will ever come out of the WEF for the common people of the world, because the people who run this outfit are eugenicists and that necessarily means that you are definitely in their plans, you just aren't in the plans for their future.

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