For the Friends in Cosmoterrity!

3 months ago

For the Honourable Friends in Cosmoterrity! A good day always starts with a kind smile. Make Peace and Love first!
Complementary article: In Briadarity We trust!
Share the e (Euler`s constant, everywhere in the Upliverse=uni-plural-verse), Be the bee!

Salut! Hello! Halo! Hola! Aloha!

On a GreyBlue Planet,

Under Evening Stars,

I make a wish for friends,

To end wars and make Peace!

I would like to address a simple question, from an avant-gardist Cosmoterrian point of view. Why not ending the fight between earthial co-familials and plant together the Peace Trees (olives, oaks, orangiers and so on)? Trees have a comminic (common+individual) green blood, Humans have a comminic red blood. Moreover, maybe Trees are also Humans, and Humans also Trees. Can we accept the temporary differences and envision another temporary, but longer Unity. If Mother Earth and Kosmos reflect in us, and we can understand them, then nothing cosmoterrian will we put foreign from us (Apud Terentius, Nothing human I put foreign from me). We are never only stable or changing, we are staching. The ambivalence day-night, good-bad, true-false, beautous-ugly is an essence of the Upliverse. Instead of dividing roles, we should learn all the possibilities, in moderate ratios. Like Beatles said, ”Why keeping on fighting and fussing, my friend?… We can work it out!” Everyone can have a role, some are bigger/taller/smarter/stronger, some are smaller/smaller/dummier/weaker, some are in the middle/center/moderation, others are offside/laughing/dreaming. What field does not have black soil, clay and sand, what sky does not have stars, comets and meteorites? And thinking that we are also what we eat/breathe/think/sing, what good lemonade does not need a neutral water, a bitter lemon, a sweet honey and a spicy rosemary? We can complete one another instead of excluding one another.

In support of this new advancement towards peaceful Integration and Integrity, I propose the development of new words, definitions, systems etc. Once Jean Jaures said that we change words when we cannot change situations (bearing in mind that both are temporal, limited). It is paradoxic that in limited Space-Time, Light, Heat, Peace, Love are in minority in the dark Upliverse. But, in any ordinary Cosmoterrian Family, any newborn needs the warm hugs and affection of his/her Mother and Father. All our cosmoterrian Life, we deal with scarcity, modality and abundance, yet we need most the best conditions for our general wellness, for the greatest happiness.

For example, here is a neutral word/linguistic invention. Darkons, as a completion to photons. For matter(physics). And for mind (psychology), lovons and hatons. In support of the eu-kako-cosmic moderation. See the comment below. What do you think? Heal, not steal!

Warm regards,


In comment to

Thanks! I want to add something briadar, Brilliant and Dark for Everyone. We can stay at level 0 information as taking a sunbath, or resting in treeshade. 0 Matters. As it can go up/on to 1, 2, 3... and down/reverse to -1, -2, -3... Fifty-fifty matters. No competition, or kind competition. Love the Light! Light the Love! Carry the (ambivalent) photons and darkons! Darkon=wavapar, wave and particle of dark. Similarly, in psychology, lovon=wavapar of love and hatons=wavapar of hate. Lovons and hatons exist together, we cannot deny them, we just need to balance them. Shine on! Shadow on! The Cosmos is made of Lights and Shadows. We should give up violent wars and build together Peace. Peace of Mind, Body and Soul. TerraLife is limited, it needs Peace to thrive. Peace to yoall!

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