REVELATION: The Four Views | with Bible Teacher Steve Gregg

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The premillennial dispensational end-times view is easily the most widely held perspective among the four, among American Christians. However, if we turn back the clock to 1910, this was far from the case. To uncover how this particular viewpoint came to dominate the theological landscape, Please check out my latest article on Cyrus Scofield: Cyrus Scofield: Scoundrel or Scholar:

In "Revelation: the Four Views," Steve Gregg presents the four accepted approaches to interpreting the Book of Revelation. The book, a unique blend of epistle, prophecy, and apocalyptic literature, addresses the seven churches in Asia and includes both foretelling future events and sermonic aspects. Understanding the book's date, setting, and audience is crucial to interpreting its meaning, and while there are four views about the date of its writing, the strongest external evidence suggests it was written near the end of the reign of Domitian, with internal evidence suggesting an earlier date.

To see all of Steve Gregg's work, please visit The Narrow Path:

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