
4 months ago

Everyone who takes their Bible seriously must answer this subject eventually. God is all powerful, so why is there evil in the world? Why did God make hell? If he didn’t make it, who did? Is hell a place where God somehow isn’t present? And what about suffering and evil in the world? How do we as Christians give an answer to someone about God’s love and God’s wrath? Are these two things mutually exclusive? These are tough questions, and I never want to be flippant in answering them in any way. Today, using a short clip from Pastor John Bevere (found here: we’ll briefly consider the difficult subject of theodicy critiquing a segment of their video called “You’ve Been Lied to About Hell” that was released on 15 Nov 24. My contention is that we must labor to find our ultimate answer to all these questions, as best we can in the Bible, in God himself. Not in anything created, but in the Creator himself. There are parts of the answers in creation, but the only ultimately satisfying answers to these tough questions, I think, are to be found in God and God alone. I hope this video is helpful to you!

God bless!!!
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